The Dreams

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Moon POV

It's been 2 weeks since Winter took a freefall in Pantala and ever since he has been acting strange. Winter is always now looking into space and you practically shove him in order to bring him back and even still he pays half attention to you. It was starting to get annoying but secretly Moon found it kind of adorable.

No one POV

Winter kept having strange dreams and they are always the same thing. Winter saw worlds and worlds stretch for mile never ending and then he always saw darkness consuming every single worlds one by one. Winter always woke up in a panic as he didn't know what he saw. The dreams were also affecting him in the waking world leaving him sleep deprived and even more cranky than before.

As Winter was going to the History cave he saw a dragon as pale as a ghost walk past him. Winter thought what he saw was real until the dragon disappeared right on the spot. "Man, I think I'm going crazy!", Winter told turtle as he walked in. 

"Why would you say that?", Turtle ask while picking through some scrolls. "I just saw or hallucinate a ghost of a dragon", Winter said just as Webs was walking through the cave entrance. " Alright class cut the chit chat and open you scrolls to the Dawn of the Queens section", Webs said as he walked in. "*sigh* this is going to be boring"

Winter was heading to the welcome back party in the mess hall. "Winter over here!", Kinkajou yelled out. Winter walked to the table and just as he was about to take his seat a dragon came out of nowhere and shoved him out of the way. "Oh, Winter are you okay?", Moon asked as Winter was shoved out of the way. "! *gasp*". " WINTER!" ,Moon shrieked as she dashed to his side. "CLAY, get over here!", Umber yelled, but there was no need Moon shriek has attracted everyone's attention." What happened?", Clay asked as he started to pick winter up. "I don't know", Moon replied, " some dragon just shoved him aside and he started to act up. Please save him" "Moon why do you care so much over the dragon that HATED you with all his heart?", Qibli sneered as he watched the dilemma with cold interest. " He is still my friend Qibli", Moon responded as Turtle said" Why would you SAY something like that? He is your friend to is he not?"

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