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I've done it, I made a character with a healthy relationship with both of their parents 😋


Name: Felix Ludwig Stein
Nickname: Lixie
Gender Orientation: Genderfluid
Sexuality: m e n
Age: 15
Appearance: fair complexion, short pale blond hair in a wolf cut, cornflower blue eyes, tall, and prominent canine teeth

Ever wonder what happens to those romcom opposites attract couples when they graduate? Felix was raised by one of those couples. They are the product of a perfect attendance, popular, good grade, athletic woman and a resting bitch face, rebellious, alternative enthusiast man with horrible punctuality. Felix is constantly concerned on why their house is filled with sparkles and flower petals, how their parents keep on tripping on top of each other, and why there's always a hot third person who tries to steal away either their mom or dad every year like a new season to a series. They'd love to leave the nest one day but they're too scared of the outcome. What if their parents are taking a nature hike but they have a romantic mishap, they fall onto each other but they fall off a ledge? It was just too risky. Felix was a combination of their parents but without all the blushing face accidents. They were a striker in football who enjoyed the alternative style, had resting bitch face, ditched classes, and they were actually really popular. Unfortunately they didn't get the grades needed to continue playing football due to missing so much class so their homeroom teacher, Ms. Weisser, had the class representative tutor them. Problem was, Felix hated that person. Their tutor was offensively good looking. His stuck-up attitude with his annoyingly gorgeous eyes just ticked off Felix more than ever. Not to mention, the constant flirting whenever they got into an argument. Despite being the most responsible of the class and the smartest student in the school he could never take things seriously when it came to them. It just made them itch to kick the smirk off his perfectly pink lips. It made them furious just thinking about it. Why were they the only one he treated differently? The condescending bitch had the looks of a carefully crafted sculpture and that made Felix even more irritated. Alas what could ever be the outcome of this? 🤭

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