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Hi 😃
Feel free to use these characters and/or character lore in a real story if you want but just make sure to credit me in the description <3

P.S. I write these characters and lore just for fun so they're very sloppy lol


Name: 黒岩 雅彦-Kuroiwa Masahiko
Patron: Amanozako
Gender Orientation: Non-binary but they use any pronouns
Age: 15
Appearance: Pitch black hair, a monolid eye shape, a dark brown eye colour that's almost black, and pouty lips with a prominent Cupid's bow
Name Analysis:
黒(kuro- black)
岩(iwa- cliff, rocks)
雅(masa- elegant, graceful)
彦(hiko- boy, prince)
Kuroiwa/黒岩- last name
Masahiko/雅彦- first name

Kuroiwa was born to a very wealthy family, a royal one. He was next in line until a coup started by one of the ruler's most trusted advisors and there was a massacre in the palace. Chaos was everywhere and he barely escaped with his life. Escaping into the mountains he felt as if he was being watched. That was when Amanozako revealed herself. Rage overtook him but the at the time, 13 year old Kuroiwa, did his best to stay composed. He recognized the goddess and remembered all the tales regarding her. In a trembling voice he asked one thing, "Did you do this to our advisor?" She grinned with her tusked mouth and was completely honest. "Child I did nothing to interfere, I had simply watched. Before I could even get to his heart he already had so much desire for power and envy. I didn't have to do anything." He stood there for a moment taking in the information and spoke again. "Give me your strength goddess." It was a strange demand. Before Amanozako could even get angry she became intrigued with him. Her usually short temper hadn't been triggered by this, more so, she'd been fascinated. "And why would I do that mortal? What benefit would I get from this?" With a stern face Kuroiwa looked her in the eye. "If you lend me your power so I can avenge my family and take back my rule, I'll become your son's caretaker and companion. Amanosaku was it? I'll shape out his attitude more while being his friend." Amanozako was tempted to take the offer. Her son was a chip off the old block, disobedient and malevolent. If he were to straighten him out he would listen to her more and be better suited for having kami obey him. Plus it would be a rather interesting show seeing him take vengeance. The goddess put out her hand and took his deal. When she accepted his offer and he took her hand suddenly the young prince grew pointed ears like hers and fangs. "Young man before I can lend you my powers, you must train to use them. I've adjusted your body to accommodate better to the abilities. After 2 years of training you shall be ready. When that time is up and I sponsor you, you will no longer have the ability to age. Child, you must understand these are heavenly powers."

hi 🧍

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