Chapter 19

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I walk into the shed to find Aunt Cindy, Uncle Ben and Dad working on the press. Fixing it as it hasn't been used for years.
"Dad?...A girl is here to see you..." I say as Mum walks into the shed with glasses of pink lemonade.
"A girl? That hasn't been done since I and your Dad got married." Mum says as she places the lemonade onto the window sill.
"Her name is Ruth Smith Pendton? Heard of that before?"
Dad springs up like a jack in a 'jack in a box' His eyes widen and he looks surprise.

He rushes out of the house and stops as he sees Ruth.
"You must be John-Boy. I am-"
"I know who you are." Dad says as he walks up. "Jenny's daughter."
"So you remember my Mother?" Ruth says walking up to my Dad.
"Yes, the first girl that I truly loved..."
"John? Are you going to introduce us all to the girl?" Mum says coming up behind him.
"Yes...erm...This is my wife Janet..." He pauses and looks at Ruth. "You look a lot like Jenny."
"I know. Mum always tells me that." She smiles sweetly...

Everyone came into the house after that. Most of us all sit at the table, Ruth drank her sweet tea that Grandma had made slowly.
"So how is Jenny- I mean your Mother."
"She good. She has cancer." I looked at my Father at that second, I could see in his eyes they were tearing up.
"Cancer..." He swallows. "How long has she had it?"
"About a year." Ruth nods. "I came here for her." She looks up at me. "Can you pass me my suitcase?" I nod and grab it passes it to her. "In here I have working hat that Grandma made for her and a letter for you John." She clips it open and she pulls out a white small hat which looked like a night cap that I have seen in books and a white envelope...

Ruth stays in our room that very night. Me and Kate walk in to see her already dressed for bed. She gets into the unknown bed.
"You tried Ruth?" I ask.
"Yeah, been a long day." She pauses. "What's both your names again?"
"I am Carrie. John-Boy's daughter."
"I am Katie, Mary-Ellen's daughter."
"Katie, Carrie." Ruth says to herself. I smile and get into my bed.
"So what is your Mum like?" Katie asks.
"Katie? You can't just ask-"
"It's alright...My Mum is the most kind caring woman that I know. She would help people with shopping etc. You wouldn't think she has Cancer until a month ago."
"She got sick?"
"Yeah. Doctors say she needs rest and she can walk around the house now." ...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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