Chapter 3

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"It's alright to cry." I say. She shakes her head.

"It's not alright."

"Grandfather built this tree house." I look to see Aunt Elizabeth.

"Hey." I say.

"It's alright." She says smiling. "This is the place I would cry when I was little." She sighs looking up at the roof. "Brings back memories."

"Aunt Elizabeth?" I say. "Where is Grandfather going to be buried?"

"On the  mountain, I think." She says. "Come on, supper is on the table soon and we need to sort out where people are sleeping."

Lottie nods, following me down....

Grandma was downstairs when we came  in. I rush over hugging her, she hugs me back squeezing me tight.

"You okay Grandma?" I look up. She nods giving me a smile.

"I'm going for a walk." She pops her coat on and walks out not looking back.....

After supper, we had to stort out sleeping arrangements. Us granddaughters have to stay in the living room downstairs, not much room in the bedrooms. 

Grandma hasn't come back since she walked out and I'm getting worried. The others say that we shouldn't worry, but this is not like Grandma.

"I'm going for a walk." I take my coat but Mum's stops me. 

"Take some oat cookies." She places two into my hand. I give her a smile and walk out. I walk up the mountain, I think I know where Grandma will be.

As I get to where Grandfather was going to build the house on the mountain. Grandma was there, sitting on the base/floor of it. I walk over and sit next to her.

"Grandma. You alright?" She nods still looking forward.

"Yeah. Is it late?"

"Yeah, the others aren't worried but I was."

"Your Grandfather was building this before he..."

"Is alright to cry Grandma."

"No. Your Grandfather was the kindness man, so grateful."

"A man who loved you."

"And you." She says smiling at me. "Come on, I bet your father is ragging your brother to go find you." We walk down the mountain.

"Grandma? Can you tell me the story of me being born? What did Grandfather do to Dad?"

"Well you father was stressing out..." She says telling me the story.....

"What was Grandma like?" whispers Lottie to me while we were soposed to be sleeping on the floor.

"What do you mean?"

"When you met Grandma." says Patsy.

"Erm, she was quiet."

"Quiet?" says Katie getting up. "She must of being crying."

"I guess." says Amanda. "I would be if I lost Simon."

"Simon! That's all you talk about." says Susan coming through the door after feeding the cow. She is the sporty one out of all of us. Likes to work outside. Clay is behind her.

"You should be sleeping." He goes to get Milk and sits at the dining table.

"We are talking, my annoying brother. About Grandma."

"Shut it Katie." He says sipping his milk.

Clay is the aggressive one out of the Walton Boys. He is quiet small with bushy brown hair like his father and eyes like his mother.

"Anyway why were you taking about Grandma?" He asks sitting in the wooden rocking chairs.

"Cause...about Granddad. Can't you figure that out!" shouts Katie at her brother. Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Drew step out, yawning with shocked faces.

"It's twelve o'clock, why you screaming?" asks Uncle Drew.

"My sister is screaming." He pops his cup into the sink and stomps upstairs.

"Get to bed girls." says Aunt Elizabeth leading the others back to bed......

That Day, Grandma made me and Lottie go round to the Baldwin ladies house.  The Baldwin ladies died a few years ago. One after the other, Grandma said that it was because that one was missing the other so much she died from natural courses.

"Go round and Mr Longworth will be there to say what is Grandfather's."

"Are you alright?" I ask her. She kisses my forehead and smiles.

"Yes Carrie. Now go." We walk out down the road.

"Mr Longworth has a son." Lottie elbows me.

"Why you telling me this?"

"He is single!"


"And Handsome." She raises her eyebrows this time, elbowing me again.

"I don't want a boyfriend." I quickly say as we turn to the Baldwin ladies house.

It's ginormous! Brick walls and rose bushes on each side of the alley way. A door at the front of the house, big outside lights on each side of the black big door. Also a bird knocker on the front. Like a lion knocker but a bird instead.

I knock and a boy my age opens it. He is a bit taller than me. His sharp jaw line angles great with his smooth chin. His hazel eyes stare at me.

"How are you?" He says looking at me and Lottie. Lottie elbows me more hard that I fall to the floor.

"Lottie! What the!"

"I'm Lottie Walton and this is my cousin Carrie Walton." She says pulling me up. "Where here to collect our Grandfather's things?"

"Ahh! Yes. Dad told me that you'll be coming today. Come in." He let's us in. I stand behind Lottie not taking my eyes off him.

"I'll go get my Dad." He walks off at Lottie raises her eyebrows at me. A little shines glows into her eyes, with this cheeky grin. "Told you."

"Shut it." I says as my cheeks warm. A man in his fiftys walks over in a type of old war clothes, very white.

"I am Mr Ashley Longworth. Friends of your Grandfather. Mr John Walton."

"We are John Walton's grandchildren." I say.

"Well follow us into the living room." We do walking into a room with a big painting of a man looking proud of himself. The boy is sat down on the hard leather sofa, he looks up to see us and smiles.

"This is my son Daniel." Mr Longworth says......

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