P1.11: Gai, Out!

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After that Anti-Matter incident with Pestar, GUARD HQ finally has some data on Hikari Fujimoto, who was supposed to have disappeared, but now she's been spotted. So, all questions go to Gai, who has some answers.

Meanwhile, while testing the Parcel on the Kaiju, Geel, someone has intercepted control of Geel and it got away.

Then, back at base, the worst imaginable happened: GUARD HQ has intel on Hikari Fujimoto and they link this to Gai. But, since Gai can't reveal any secret linked to Hikari, he is expelled from XIG-SELECT.

However, that didn't stop Gai from meeting Hikari. Then, Gomenos appears with Dr. Headline controlling it.



Gai: "Awaken, the light within me! Ultraman Geyser!"


Ultraman Geyser appears and fights a controlled Gomenos. Yet it backfired and Dr. Headline was caught in the blast.

Hikari appears before a dying Dr. Headline, and he gives her a disk containing info before dying.

Then, Geyser destroys Gomenos, knowing the pain Hikari felt losing Dr. Headline.

Now, Hikari is too far gone and remains on her mission, will Gai still persuade her?

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