P1.2: I Am Geyser

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Gai turned into Ultraman! As Hyper C.O.V. attacks, Gai struggles to get the hang of his new form. But, Gai knows the titan's attack and fights back! Then, Gai defeats Hyper C.O.V.

Gai reverts to his human form and catches the ball of light into a special capsule. Gai meets XIG-SELECT's Commander Tsutomu Kodama, Director Kaijo, Lieutenant Matsuri, his niece, Hina, and her best friend from London, Alice Yorkland. Then, Lieutenant Matsuri shows Gai around the Aerial Palace, where he meets the boys of Team Sonic and the men of Team Dragon.

Later on, a Kaiju appears, sent by the Radical Destruction Bringer. Gai, now a member of XIG-SELECT, wishes to join in the action, followed by Team Buster.

The battle against the Kaiju is intense. Then, a Coin appears in Gai's hand. The Coin resonates with the light and Gai transforms into Ultraman to face Geel.

Gai fights against Geel with his herculean strength and finishes it off with his light beam attack

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Gai fights against Geel with his herculean strength and finishes it off with his light beam attack. Gai realizes that the light within him is like a Geyser so Gai names the titan "Ultraman Geyser".

Now, Gai's time in XIG-SELECT is just beginning!

Ultraman Geyser: New Generation GaiaWhere stories live. Discover now