𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒔𝒊𝒙

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Taken in by an Original vampire didn't make things any easier. The creatures literally survived off blood. Which meant that after a year or so of living with Niklaus Mikaelson, seeing a body drop to the floor meant nothing of significance to Ophelia. She had become so numb to the idea of death that she was neither bothered or unbothered by it. Hell, she wasn't even part vampire herself by then.

Death is her living.

Which in a truthful way, it really is. Vampires have to die to become their true selves, so she is walking around as a dead, rotting soul. Her heart still beats, her blood still pumps, she still functions as a normal human being; the only difference being is that she had actually died.

Every time someone close to Ophelia passed away, whether that was Finn back in Mystic Falls, any of her siblings being temporarily incapacitated by a dagger dipped with White Oak, or even a rare friend, she never properly grieved. Grief is meant to be dealt with through the seven different stages. Throughout the seventeen years that she had been alive, the girl had maybe dealt with one, or two of the stages at most. Each time, she got stuck on the same damn one. Denial. Ophelia became so good at avoiding the matter of the significant deaths occurring around her that she eventually just moved on. Of course, she never really moved on. Kol is just another death that will never properly sink in.

Based upon what Freya had been telling her, the witch and Rebekah had promised to find ways to resurrect him. So, that gave the hybrid an immense amount of hope. Hope is a dangerous thing. Especially when the promise isn't as realistic as it's dealt out to be. To give Ophelia hope is like making a deal with Lucifer herself. It either goes exceptionally well, or catastrophically wrong. Most of the Mikaelson family had been around to see both. They'd seen enough of the latter outcomes to know that it's in everyone's best interest to avoid that from happening as much as they possibly can. If there really isn't a way to bring Kol back... Klaus didn't even want to think about what his sister could come to be.

"Ophelia. Ophelia!"

Blinking quickly, the girl snaps herself out of the daydream she had found herself in and her eyes dart over to the front of the classroom. Despite the countless suggestions to stay home from, well, everyone who knew about him, she had dragged herself along to school. The one place she hates more than anything. Stiles had asked to check for her temperature upon arrival. "Sorry," she mumbles in apology.

Jennifer Blake nods. Her heartrate increases as soon as she meets the green irises of the seventeen year old girl who had so heartlessly slaughtered the werewolf from the other night. "It's all right. Do you need to go to the nurse's office?"

Ophelia's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she straightens up in her chair. "No, sorry, why would I?"

The woman stumbles over her words, unable to form a coherent sentence. "I, uh, I- never mind."

When Jennifer walks back toward the blackboard, Lydia leans forward slightly over her desk to whisper to her friend seated in front. "I don't need to hear her heart to know she's fucking terrified of you."

At this, her lips curl into a satisfied smirk. "Good! She should be terrified to know I'll kill her if she hurts Der Bear." Even after learning Derek and Jennifer are having... relations... it doesn't change how Ophelia still despises her English teacher. She still doesn't have an actual reason just yet, but then again, does she really need a valid reason to hate someone?

Just out the corner of her eye, she can see Scott roll his eyes. "Fi, please don't let her hear you say that," he whispers. The response he receives is a middle finger sent his way, causing him to cover his eyes in defeat and sigh.

rockland (𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽 𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ