𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 35

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♪ Baby, when you hear me
When I'm crying now for you
I'm scared ♪

Grace Bauer POV

We received a call from our lawyer later in the day, he was going to plead guilty. There would be a hearing with the judge to make sure it was all official and that he knew what he was doing. It would take place in January, after the holidays' mess cleared up.

It meant that he was in jail while awaiting for the official sentence reading and I was relieved to have gotten rid of him. I think he is too much and unregretful to get out when he can try to. Christmas came and went, Toto spent it here, with my family, everyone loved him. He is likable apparently.

I actually went to Toto's house once 2022 started, we didn't have a title, we were just acting like a couple while he had meeting after meeting. My work was completely remote but I visited the company a few times, Toto bought it and it is actually being very profitable. His hearing came and the deal was accepted, a life sentence and 15 years before a change to get parole.

I was relieved, Toto was relieved and he also never allowed me to pay for the lawyer, he called it a gift. He left for London, so he could be on the factory before the season starts in a month with the testing in Spain and then Bahrain. I stayed in Austria to be with my family, and because we might need some space after so many months glued together almost forcefully.

"Aren't you going to meet Toto? Today is the season's official start, you are always calling and texting. Just go see him and the team. It doesn't mean it's official" My mom says as I was writing a text.

"He didn't invite me." I was hoping for an invite but it never came.

"It's been 2 months, he came to take you out for Valentine's day and gave you flowers. I don't think your boyfriend needs to invite you to his workplace, or maybe he is waiting to see if you want to go there" She says as she took care of the scrambled eggs she was making for breakfast and I am now doubting my way of thinking.

"He never asked me to be his girlfriend, I don't think he will" I am a bit angry by that but I won't admit it. Why is he taking so long to make the next move? Should I be the one to do it?

"You got out of an extremely abusive relationship, that's not his question to make, you should be the one to tell him you are ready for that."

"God, you should've told me that sooner." I say as I intensively look for flights to Bahrain so I can be there when the second practice ends.

"Eat breakfast before you leave" She says as I finally start booking the flight to leave in 2 hours.

"Thank you" I say as she sits down with me to eat, dad had left for work but she was here and thank god she was.

"I love you and that man loves you too, very much" She says emotionally and I smile.

"I know mom, thank you for opening my eyes" I say as I kiss her cheek.

I left soon after and I arrived at the circuit an hour after the practice ended, which means that I don't where Toto is. If the second practice was still ongoing I would've found him in the garage but now, I have no clue. And I got a paddock pass, with no hospitality included, which means I can't even look for someone who might recognize me in the Mercedes' hospitality.

"Grace?" I hear someone calling, a very familiar voice and I turn back to see Angela with a huge smile.

"Angie" I say as I open my arms to hug her.

"Wait, you two are still together? He didn't let anyone talk about it, people were already throwing rumors of him being on the market once again" She says with a mix of excitement and surprise.

"He is definitely not on the market. Can you help me find him? This paddock was all that was available" I asked her and she laughed.

"Come with me, he is with Lewis and I was going there anyway" I followed her into the motorhome and greeted people I knew on the way, every seemed more than pleased to see me.

Angela opened the door to Toto's office and got inside first, I stayed back a few steps.

"Took you long enough, did something happen?" Lewis asks curiously.

"Oh, I just found someone and exchanged a few words" She shrugs it but I see Toto shaking his head.

"Great moment for socializing" He mutters as he prepares to sit down.

"Sorry about that, my phone died on the way here" I say as I enter the room, Toto stops midway of going go to sit down and immediately walks to my encounter.

"You are here" He says still surprised and I smile.

"I am. Surprise!" I say nervously, but he wraps his arms around me while pulling me close to his body as I hug him back.

"We can talk tomorrow. It's great to see you back Grace. I was nervous you wouldn't be here" Lewis says happily as he winks before leaving with Angela.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've taken care of everything" He says as he takes a step back and looks at my every detail.

"It was a last-minute thing, I had no invitation so I wasn't going to come, my mom convinced me to be here" I informed him as a smile appeared on his face.

"Thank god she did, I didn't want to pressure you so I wasn't going to invite you before you showed me you were ready. I'm sorry, I should've asked if it was something you wanted" He says as he caresses my cheek.

"Does that mean that you missed me? Do you want me here?" I ask as hope filled my heart and it made me happy.

"I missed you like hell and I want you here, in my arms. That's where you belong darling" His words honestly made my heart skip a beat, how can a man be so perfect? This is too good to be true but I want it, I want him.

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