𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 14

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♫ So many mornings, I woke up confused
In my dreams, I do anything I want to you
My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind ♫

Grace Bauer POV

I was on the sofa looking at Toto who sipped his whiskey flawlessly. How do I tell this man how badly the one before him treated me? The silence between us wasn't tense but his patience wasn't going to be infinite.

"Do you want a general description of what I'm running from?" The moment I talked his eyes went from his glass to me quickly.

"Give me whatever you feel comfortable with me knowing" He says leaning back and keeping his eyes on me every second.

"He was a monster. I endured a year because I literally thought he would kill everyone who dared to help me. But then I understood I would die anyway so I didn't want to do it in fear. He would call me all types of names, the pandemic made it so we were both working from home so I was being called names every hour of the day. He started to beat me at every mistake he found, then he started to beat me when someone corrected him, then it was just for pleasure" I say feeling myself raging with the memories.

I was never a weak person. I should've left the first time he put his hands on me but I didn't. I slapped him back and I had a broken rib from the punch I received in exchange.

"Fucking coward" Toto mutters angrily and taking the rest of his whiskey as it was a shot.

"These glasses are pretty resistant. He hit me with one of these once, I had a bump but it didn't break even when it hit the floor. I forgot he wanted 5 ice cubes and not 4" I say getting up from the couch, I feel his hand on my wrist as I was passing by.

"Will you tell me if I'm hurting you or making you feel less than?" He asks looking up and I look down at him.

"I will, don't worry. I find it pretty impossible. I am not easy to hurt" I say calmly.

"I mean every word I've said. He won't touch you without repercussions" He says seriously and I smile.

"I believe it. Do you want more whiskey before going back to work?" I ask pointing to his bar and he nods giving me his glass.

"I have no preference for ice cubes,there's no need to worry about it" He says as I prepared the drink making us both laugh.

"You are feeling funny uh?" I ask turning around with his drink in my hand.

"That's needed too. See if you get some rest, it's deserved" He says as I prepared to leave the room.

"I will see you tomorrow baby" I tease him before getting in my room.

I watched two movies before falling asleep. The next day I woke up with some breakfast already made, I went with Toto to the paddock, and since he had meetings with the engineers I was hanging out with Angela.

"You and Toto? Everyone was definitely waiting for you to only admit once the marriage was in order. Stubborn people are built different" Angela says after a bit of time talking.

"Don't be like that, we are very much always butting heads but he is a good man" I say as we got out of the motorhome to go to the garage.

"You are looking gorgeous today darling" I hear Felix's voice as we got closer and I turn startled.

"Why don't you fuck off?" I ask angrily. I looked good, I know I do, but he has nothing to do with it.

 I looked good, I know I do, but he has nothing to do with it

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"Who is that? Kind of rude" Angela says surprisedly.

"My ex-husband, a shitty one" I say before entering the garage and he does it too. But he wasn't allowed to be where Toto was and I was.

"Everything's alright?" He asks as I went straight for him.

"It could be worse" I say right before kissing him and wrapping my arms around him. He puts his hand in my hair and quickly kisses me back.

"This is getting common" He whispers when it ends and I let out a laugh.

"Don't get used to it"

"I will keep that in mind" He says before someone calls him, he goes but I feel his eyes on me for the whole conversation with the other guy.

"Will you try to make him the bad guy too?" I hear Felix asking too close to me.

"You weren't the bad guy. You were the fucking devil" I fire back quickly and he takes a step back.

"I can see he is not keeping you under control. You have too much freedom darling, he will learn that giving you all of that will get him nothing in exchange" He says angrily and I laugh.

"You are talking about sex? We have that a lot, I guess the problem was on your side darling. I wish the next one good luck or she will be one more victim of your low self-esteem thanks to your erectile dysfunction" I say happily. It felt good to be petty.

"You have no permission to be here" Toto's voice is heard followed by two members of the team to make him leave the garage and go to the upper floor.

"Good luck with that, she is a 10 out of 10 but I would still not recommend it to my worst enemy" He says shrugging.

"I will take that advice with a grain of salt" Toto says unbothered as we watch him get escorted up the stairs and I feel relieved. "Come here"

"I'm fine, he was just being an asshole" I say as he clearly wanted me close by.

"And that asshole affects you more than he should but I understand. Just stay close by so I know you are safe" He says and I nod.

We went to have lunch before the race and came back to watch the race together. I had a chair waiting by his side, Nyck de Vries is also here since he is the reserve driver for Mercedes this year. He kept his distance. I sat by the chair they had put there for me and Toto gave me a headset so I could hear the same as he was hearing.

Do you remember the tense and almost annoyed posture he used to have around me? It's gone. He is now clearly comfortable, he tried to sneak some looks at me once in a while and he was way more touchy than I pictured him to be, maybe he thought Felix was watching. And I kind of like it.

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