Chapter 2

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A/N: I have updated the character profiles with their career/career aspirations, so go check those out!

Again, I highly suggest that you keep the character pages open in other tabs, because it's about to start getting confusing!

Previously:  "That's odd," said Lyra, frowning at the mail in her hand. "They're from Hogwarts, but the triplets are still too young and there are only two." "Let me see them," said Draco. Lyra handed them over, and he began to frown as well. "Mya, they're addressed to us..."

"Really? From Hogwarts?" Hermione said. 

"Yeah... I wonder what they want," Draco responded. 

"We should open them at the same time," Hermione suggested. 

"Okay... Go!" said Draco as they ripped them open. 

Hermione's letter read:

Dear Miss Granger,  

You are cordially invited to the celebration that marks the 20th anniversary of the downfall of Voldemort. Since it was a sad time, as many perished, we decided to hold it in the winter, the week after the Christmas holidays. The holidays are from December 21, 2018, to January 6, 2019, this year, so the reunion will begin on January 6 and continue until January 13. You may bring any spouse or children that you have. Thestral-drawn carriages will be provided to bring you from Hogsmeade to the castle, and you may arrive anytime from four o'clock until five-thirty p.m. The feast will begin at 6 o'clock sharp. As one-third of the golden trio, you are being asked to make a speech before dinner. During the week, students will continue with classes per usual and you, along with others attending the reunion, will take mock courses as well. Little kids will have special classes catered to them. Uniforms will not be required for anyone. On the 12th, there will be a formal ball. More information will be provided at the opening dinner. We expect your R.S.V.P. no later than the first of October.


Minerva McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

P.S. We all really miss you, Hermione, we do hope you come!

Hermione stared at her letter, shell-shocked. She re-read it over and over, not really believing what it said. She had gone for 18 years without being contacted - and now her first letter from outside the small group of people who knew where she was was inviting her to a reunion!

She glanced at Draco and could tell by the look in his eyes that he had gotten the same letter. 

"Well? What does it say?" asked Leo, impatient to know. 

Hermione heard Draco sigh. "It's a letter inviting us to a Hogwarts," he said.

"So?" asked Orion.

"I haven't been seen in the wizarding world for 18 years. Most people probably think I'm dead." Hermione responded.

"Well, we knew that-" Osiris chimed in,

"But we were wondering why it mattered." Aurora finished. "Couldn't we just not go?"

All of their children knew about Hermione's past, but they knew not to say anything. At Hogwarts, Lyra, Scorpius, and Cassie were registered under the name Malfoy. Dora, however, was under the surname Levine (Hermione's mother's maiden name) because she looked too much like Hermione and they didn't want people connecting the dots.

Hermione looked over at Draco again, trying to gauge how he was feeling about this.

"I don't know... seeing Harry and Ginny again would be nice. But then there's Ron and Lavender..." Hermione trailed off. 

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