Prologue Pt. 1

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A/N- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! My first actual written chapter ever! I'm so excited! Enjoy!

Hermione finished her last piece of paperwork and glanced at the clock.

"Perfect!" She thought. "Plenty of time for me to head home and get dressed for dinner tonight!"

Today was Hermione and Ron's 6th month anniversary, and they were going out to a new fancy restaurant that had just opened to celebrate. Hermione was excited, as it had been a while since Ron had taken her anywhere.

Hermione walked out of her office in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes and to the Floos downstairs in the Atrium.

When she stepped out of the fireplace in her and Ron's apartment, she heard odd sounds coming from their bedroom across the hall. With a sinking feeling, she headed across the apartment to check.

Swinging open the bedroom door, she saw Ron and Lavender snogging on the bed, in a very...compromising position.

"Ron! How could you!" Hermione screamed. 

"Uhh...this isn't what it looks like!" said Ron hastily.

"What do you mean, this isn't what it looks like?" Hermione shouted. "You are in our bed, snogging Lavender! How could you cheat on me, and on our anniversary?"

"Ummm," stuttered Ron. 

"Won-Won, just tell her everything," Lavender butted in.

"Fine," said Ron, as his demeanor completely flipped. "Well, Hermione, it was easy to cheat on you," he began coldly. "I want a wife who is there for my every need, is ready to start a family and have kids when I want to, not when they want to, will be a stay-at-home mom while I work-which is the only right way to do it- and most importantly, is sexy and pretty. And you are none of those-Lavender is all of those." 

"I CAN NOT BELIEVE THE NERVE OF YOU, RONALD WEASLEY. TURNING WOMEN INTO OBJECTS LIKE THAT-WE ARE DONE!" Hermione yelled and walked out the front door, slamming it behind her.

"Finally," Ron grunts. "Now, where were we?"

"Right here," says Lavender as she jumps onto him and begins to make out with him again.  


After summoning all of her things from her former apartment, Hermione sits in the room she rented in the Leaky Cauldron and does what she does best-think.

She thinks about her former relationship, and about how unhealthy it really was. All those times Ron blew her off on a date, or started fights about the most ridiculous things, or complained about her- she should have broken things off a long time ago.

She thinks about what her next step is going to be, and finally settles on a plan; to do exactly what she wants, and not what someone else wants. 

She decides to go to Australia and try to restore her parents' memories, something she's been wanting to do since the war ended over a year and a half ago. Something always came up though-first it was redoing her 7th year at Hogwarts (where she was Head Girl), and then it was her relationship with Ron.

But now, she finally has a good opportunity: move to Australia and start afresh, away from all the lies Ron would probably spread about her.


A year later, life was going pretty well for Hermione. After finding her parents and restoring their memories, she worked for a while to regain their trust.

In the meantime, she had settled in an apartment in Australia and had followed one of her biggest (and most secret) dreams: she started a fashion company. 

Business was starting to flourish, and it was becoming very popular as it became evident to the world, both magical and muggle, that a mysterious woman had a real eye for fashion.

Back in England, all of this didn't go unnoticed by one particular man.

Please comment on how you like it so far!

This chapter has 616 words

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