Field Trip

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you arrive at the green house and see alice and wave at her and her sad mood turns happy and waves back at you and the cullens spot you too and smile "she didnt question you" emmett asks "no even tho she saw me" edward says "then leave it" rosalie says you see him nod and see bella walk over to him and growl and look at her like this

you arrive at the green house and see alice and wave at her and her sad mood turns happy and waves back at you and the cullens spot you too and smile "she didnt question you" emmett asks "no even tho she saw me" edward says "then leave it" rosalie...

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"What's in Jacksonville?" edward asks her and you look confused and bella looks at him "How'd you know about that?" bella asks "...You didn't answer my question." edward says "You don't answer any of mine so... I mean, you don't even say 'hi' to me." bella says "hi" edward says you giggle "Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?" bella asks you go back to glaring at bella "Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it." edward says and walks away and you laugh and bella storms past you "i will find out what hes hiding" bella says "no you wont not if i have anything to do with it" you say and edward walks to you and grabs your hand and you look at him like this

"hi" you say he smiles "hi" he says you smile "wanna get on our bus with us" edward asks you nod "sure" you say and walk onto the bus with him and youse go back home and edward drives you home and you kiss his cheek "see you at 7" you say and walk...

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"hi" you say he smiles "hi" he says you smile "wanna get on our bus with us" edward asks you nod "sure" you say and walk onto the bus with him and youse go back home and edward drives you home and you kiss his cheek "see you at 7" you say and walk away and inside "dad" you say "yeah" he says "i have a hang out with edward cullen at 7" you say "my baby girl likes a boy" charlie says you whine "papa" you whine he laughs and you go upstairs and get into this

"hi" you say he smiles "hi" he says you smile "wanna get on our bus with us" edward asks you nod "sure" you say and walk onto the bus with him and youse go back home and edward drives you home and you kiss his cheek "see you at 7" you say and walk...

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you walk downstairs "we are going to see a movie so i thought comfy would be ok" you say charlie nods and you walk to the door and let edward in and he sees charlie "hi chief swan, im edward cullen we are just going to see a movie i will bring her back at 10" edward says you smile 

Alexis Josie 'AJ' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now