Moving to forks

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you and your little sister bella are waiting for phil your step-dad to pack the car and bella is holding a cactus with her eyes closed feeling the sun as you make a disgusted face "are you sure you wanna do this babies" renee our over bearing mother asks "yes mom, were sure" bella says "how much longer do you think they will take" you ask phil "im not sure, GIRLS COME ON I LOVE YOU BOTH BUT WE GOTTA GO" phil yells and you wince cause of your sensitive hearing "sorry honey" phil says you smile at him "its ok papa" you say phil looks happy as you look like this

you and your little sister bella are waiting for phil your step-dad to pack the car and bella is holding a cactus with her eyes closed feeling the sun as you make a disgusted face "are you sure you wanna do this babies" renee our over bearing moth...

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unlike my sister bella, i have blue eyes thats stand out so well, brown chocolate hair and  tanned skin and my sister bella is plain, shes pail, brown hair with light brown highlights and brown eyes, i love my eyes but bella doesn't but i don't care what she thinks, you see

my sister bella hates me because i'm adopted and smarter and stronger, i dont let people boss me about, bella has tried to harm me but i am always one step ahead of her and i can read her mind so it's easy. anyways we are moving to forks to spend time with my adopted father charlie swan, hes the chief of police and unlike renee he likes me better according to his thoughts because he and i quote said In his mind 'why can't bella be like her sister, alexis is so smart and kind and thoughtful, bella always gets into trouble at school and goes out without asking and calls me charlie while alex calls me daddy and dad i love my girls but alexis better' i am my father's favioure child and im happy about that.

I have a feeling im going to like forks and a bad feeling that bella will do something terrible

you and bella are driving to the airport and bella keeps annoying you so you whisper a spell "ad somnum" you say bella falls asleep "dad, bella fell asleep" you say and wink (phil only thinks im a witch cause hes mother was one and hes a warlock and can sense bonds) he laughs and says in his head *good job my little witch* he thinks you smile happy and you giggle happy and read your war book and think *poor major Whitlock, oh how i wish he was ok and safe* you think and sigh and look out the window

Alexis Josie 'AJ' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now