That One Ship

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Zeek woke up from his sleep from a loud beeping from the front of the SB XIII. He got up drowsily and walked out of his sleeping chamber to go see what mission the SSF (Secrets of Space Foundation) wanted now. And he was already annoyed today so he hoped it wouldn't be that long

Zeek has been working for the SSF for as long as he could remember, all he knew was that after he left the ISS (International Space Station) he got called upon by one of his friends that there was a spot available, the SSF was full of bickering people constantly wanting attention because they were part of one of the most famous space foundations the world knows of. But that was before he even joined the ISS. Now people are making theories about how they discovered aliens and stuff, but it was just like the ISS, trying to discover how you would live in space and how it works, but more in the outside ring of our solar system. And that was how it was for him now, except now they are doing this boring project called "Sunburst Exploration" which is when the president of the SSF chooses the most trained people to go to a certain area in space and then the people chosen, were spread out in a "sunburst" pattern, and somehow he was so good at doing his job that he was chosen with the more annoying little mission, finding one of "our" lost spaceships, which he doesn't think is actually the SSF's, which is kinda creepy.

Zeek went to the Communication Beacon located in the center of his ship and pressed the blinking green button, and a staticy voice sounded. "We have a new mission for you, Thirteen!" said Eleven, or Caitlyn which is her nickname and a better name than Eleven in his opinion, she was the one person that actually likes her job as a Com. Sender. "What is it, Caitlyn, and please call me Zeek" said Zeek grumpily. "Well sorry, it's easier with what number you are, but I'll -Static- to remember you as Zeek ." Caitlyn said giggling. "... fine, just tell me my mission." Zeek said,starting to get annoyed. "Okay, you grumpy -Static- , All you need to do is hurry up with your current mission really, because -Static- moving away in a drift, cause it got hit by a floating asteroid. And supposedly, there has been movement sighted in the ship? But i th -Static- its just something messing the radars up, we are quite far -Static- anyways." Caitlyn said. "Well? What are you doing standing there, go find out what tha -Static- ip is doing so far out!" Caitlyn said jokingly. "But I'm serious, go get that floating piece of metal and find out what it is ". Caitlyn sounded annoyed with staying on the coms for a while, so Zeek said bye and figured he might as well increase his speed slightly, so he went and, as he was about to increase his speed, he saw something through the tiny window. A ship? He thought. He looked at the radar next to him, and didn't see anything on it. Dang it i'm, being stupid the ship is shut off, so of course it wouldn't send a signal to my radar. He pulled the SB XIII right next to the unknown ship, and as he did he noticed its large size compared to what he had seen on earth. "Hmm, that is larger than I thought". Zeek turned on his bio-suit mode on. He went through the air-seal, now floating out into space. Using his booster jetpack, he slowly cruised to one of the air-sealed entry-ways and went in the ship, his sensors detected some type of gas, but he couldn't find out what type it was. "This place sure is ominous, wonder why no one is here" Zeek said. He walked from the entryway slowly, turning on his night-vision mode in his visor. Then, all of a sudden, a small blue creature jumped out of nowhere and screeched at him. "What the-!"

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After he got jumpscared, he shoved himself out the air-seal as fast as he could and he looked back and noticed the slimy blue creature was gone, but as he was leaving he heard something that sounded like "werttt!" and that made the situation even more confusing.

He cleaned his visor really well, but still it took him a while for him to get the slimy substance off of him. after he cleaned himself up he hopped out of SB XIII and to the other side of the ship, he thought that he might as well take the back entrance of the unknown ship, so he went around it with more precaution then last time and went in the air-seal in the back, which this one seamed broken, so he decided to just glide right through the air-seal into the ship. He looked around and there wasn't any creaking of vents or annoying blue slimy creatures. Which he was quite happy about, so he looked around the ship floating through, "Wow it's weird without an anti-grav gen. on" He said, amazed at how he could just float through the ship without touching anything. Then he heard creaking, slithering and a tiny voice saying "Hello?".

Zeek had no idea where it came from (again) but he did know that it was probably the same thing that jumpscared him.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, but the thing is that this place has a prob-" said the creature, but Zeek interrupted "Well why didn't you just tell me in a friendly manner?! And I wasn't scared, ok?". "Meep..." The creature said, sounding sad and regretful. "But I may as well introduce myself, my name is Zorvax, and ye, I live here, but I'm the only one here and you can't really be here". "Well I'm staying here to find out what this ship is, and why it's so old fashioned now that I notice. And could I please see what you are". Zeek just wanted to find out what that thing was and what the ship was and just leave, he was definitely fed up with today. The creature popped out of a vent on the wall, or what he thought was the wall, might've been the ceiling though. And just as he thought, a blue, cute, slimy creature was just sitting there. "I'm a Dowtavaid, a weird subspecies of the slug on your planet, but I'm very different from them. But somehow related to you, Protogens, and that's how I speak your language, I also have this blue pigment in me because of where I live, certain areas in space make different colors for different Dowtavaids". Zeek was amazed at how much it knew about itself, he barely even knew that much about himself! "Well you know a lot about yourself, but do you know anything about this ship?" Zeek said actually relieved that the creature wasn't being that annoying anymore. "Nope.. sorry, but i can bring you to the bridge of the ship, that's where all the stuff about the ship is". Zorvax said enthusiastically. "Well, thanks! You're helpful for once!" Zeek said, still thinking about how it jumpscared him. "I-I'm sorry it's just you can't be here because there is a-" said the creature, but Zeek interrupted once again. "Can we just please go to the bridge?" "O-oki" Zorvax said.

 They were walking to the bridge and Zorvax was just talking the whole time about what it likes, what it doesn't like, and Zeek was super annoyed the whole time. But eventually to Zeeks delight, Zorvax started to chill out and look tired, and Zeek didn't even notice that the levels of gas that he found at the entrance was increasing, but only at tiny bits at a time. Eventually they got to the front of the ship and Zorvax was so sleepy that he passed out right then and there! Zeek quickly picked it up and opened the door to the nearest (supposedly airtight Zeek thought) room. And what he saw was the engine room, with a bunch of plants emitting a poisonous gas. Zeek slammed the door shut and looked around, eventually finding a door with a label above saying "Bridge". Zeek ran to it somehow he opened the door, and pressed the emergency airseal button, sealing the door shut like it was.

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A couple minutes later, Zorvax woke up and had no idea what was happening. "Well finally you're awake!" Zeek exclaimed, glad that Zorvax wasn't dead. Zeek told it all about what happened, and how he found the bridge, and about the weird plants. "Wait, that was the thing I was telling you about! Are you oki?!" Zorvax said, terrified. "Yea, I'm fine, you don't have to worry so much. I have a Bio-suit on, so of course I wouldn't be hurt." Zeek smiled awkwardly but continued. "I found out what type of ship this is, and apparently it's one of the few test ships we made a couple decades ago that uses plant life, and maybe nobody was here because of the experimental plants, they definitely overgrew". "Oh" Zorvax said, completely baffled by what the ship was. "I didn't know that... but that makes things make way more sense!" Zeek nodded and grabbed some files that he could send to Caitlyn. Zorvax perked up and said, "Wait, I can hold my breath in space, and also im not affected by the vacuum or cold in space because of my jelly-like body, so I would like it please if you just break the window down or something and leave through there, so that i don't pass out again?". Zeek shrugged "Well that's fine with me" Zeek said. He went to one of the nearest windows, turned on his space suit mode, and bashed the window with a piece of metal tubing that he found on the ground. Air wooshed out of the room and out into space. But then Zorvax said something. "Can I stay with you? Like, umm, not stay here in this creepy spaceship all alone, and stuff like that..."

"I mean, yea? Why not! I would love to have a companion!" Zeek said gladly that he wouldn't have to stay alone, in a tiny ship, the alone part he didn't really like. "YEEEEEEEY!!!" Zorvax yelled, jumping out of the ship to hug Zeek in a slimy embrace. But Zeek held out his hand to block Zorvax from getting too close to him. "But, I would like it if I wasn't slimy when I got on my ship please?". "Oop, sorry, but your jetpack will be slimy, I'm gonna have to hang on". Zeek rolled his eyes and grabbed Zorvax and put it on his back then slowly cruised to the ship. Zorvax smiled happily as he was carried away from possibly the craziest day Zeek had ever experienced...

The End

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