Jungkook's emotions were a tempest, and he pushed Taehyung away once more, his breathing ragged as he tried to regain his composure. "Just... go away," he muttered, his voice shaky. The sudden vulnerability had shaken him, and he needed space to collect himself.

Taehyung, couldn't help but express a sliver of concern as he asked quietly, "Are you okay?"

But Jungkook's nerves were still raw, his emotions swirling like a storm within him. His patience snapped, and he shouted at Taehyung with an intensity that filled the room. "Just go away!"

Taehyung, unyielding in his demeanor, offered a simple, "Take it easy," before turning and exiting the room,

In the aftermath of the unsettling encounter, Jungkook's heart still raced, and his body trembled with residual fear.

He knew he needed to calm down, to find a way to dispel the lingering echoes of the nightmare that had shaken him to his core.

Sitting up, he reached for a glass of water on his bedside table, his hands trembling slightly as he took a few sips, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat.

He knew that he needed more than just water to ease his distress. Reaching into his bag, he retrieved a small bottle of prescribed medication, the pills that offered him some solace in moments like these.

Carefully, he took the dosage,

Still feeling a chill from the ordeal, Jungkook pulled the blanket closer around him as he lay down once more. The soft fabric offered a fragile sense of security, and he closed his eyes, seeking refuge in the darkness of sleep once more.

The next day, Taehyung rose early, his morning routine efficient and methodical. He dressed impeccably in every detail of his appearance meticulously considered.

After a cursory glance in the mirror, he made his way downstairs, the mansion's opulent interior basking in the gentle glow of the morning sun

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After a cursory glance in the mirror, he made his way downstairs, the mansion's opulent interior basking in the gentle glow of the morning sun.

As he descended the grand staircase, he noticed that Jin, was already in the dining area, attending to his duties. Jin looked up, a warm smile gracing his features as he greeted Taehyung.

"Good morning, Taehyung," Jin said with a respectful nod.

"Morning, Hyung," Taehyung replied in his usual cold manner. He took his seat at the dining table, and Jin promptly served his breakfast, the aroma of freshly cooked food wafting through the air.

As Taehyung began his meal, he couldn't help but notice Jungkook's entrance into the room. The younger boy took a seat, and Jin, greeted him with the same warmth he had shown Taehyung.

Jungkook's outfit:

Jungkook's response was curt but polite

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Jungkook's response was curt but polite. "Good Morning."

With practiced efficiency, Jin served Jungkook his breakfast, and then discreetly retreated, leaving the two men to their meal.

As the silence between them settled, Taehyung couldn't help but break it with a question that was both a formality and an obligation. "Are you okay?" he asked, his tone as detached as ever.

Jungkook simply nodded in response, his gaze fixated on his plate as he speared a piece of food.

The events of the previous night were still fresh in his mind, and he had no intention of letting his guard down in front of Taehyung.

Amidst the clinking of cutlery and the muted sounds of their breakfast, Taehyung spoke, His voice, though still cold, held a certain weight as he spoke to Jungkook.

"I'll be coming home late today," Taehyung stated matter-of-factly. "I have an important meeting in the underground."

Jungkook, who had been pushing his food around his plate with indifference, suddenly perked up at the mention of the underground world. His eyes lit up, and he turned toward Taehyung, a hint of enthusiasm in his voice.

"I'll go with you," Jungkook declared, his tone surprisingly eager.

Taehyung's reaction was immediate and firm. He didn't entertain Jungkook's suggestion lightly. "Don't be stupid," he replied, his voice tinged with a touch of irritation. "It's dangerous."

Jungkook, never one to back down easily, rolled his eyes at Taehyung's concern. He leaned forward, his expression challenging. "I've already received mafia training," he retorted, his words carrying the weight of his heritage.

Taehyung couldn't help but let out a sigh. He knew that Jungkook was no ordinary individual, The idea of Jungkook accompanying him into the perilous world of the underground was not one he took lightly.

With a reluctant nod, Taehyung relented, though his warning remained firm. "Fine, but you'll stay close to me, and you'll follow my lead," he instructed. "No reckless moves."

Jungkook's triumphant grin and a glint of determination in his eyes were all the acknowledgment Taehyung needed.

With their decision made, Taehyung and Jungkook proceeded with their plans for the day. They left the mansion and made their way to the photoshoot location,

The photoshoot went smoothly, with Jungkook effortlessly slipping into different poses and outfits, his charisma and confidence evident in every frame captured by the photographer.

Once the shoot was wrapped up, they left the studio and headed to Taehyung's headquarters, a sleek and modern building nestled amidst the city's skyscrapers.

As they both approached the entrance, Jungkook suddenly froze in his tracks, his attention drawn by an unexpected sight.

He saw a hand, an elegant and slender one adorned with a distinctive flower tattoo on the wrist. It was a fleeting glimpse, a hand that belonged to someone hidden among the people entering and exiting the building.

Confusion clouded Jungkook's features as he tried to process what he had just seen. He turned his head this way and that, scanning the faces of the passing individuals, but the owner of the tattoo remained elusive.

Taehyung, noticing Jungkook's abrupt halt, furrowed his brow in concern. "What's wrong?" he inquired, his voice sharp with curiosity.

Jungkook offering a vague shake of his head. "Nothing," he replied, his tone clipped.


So that was all for today's chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

A few questions,

What do you think about Jungkook's nightmare ? Can it be related to his past ?

What about the flower tattoo wrist that Jungkook saw, what could it be ?



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