❖ Flashback: Guidance & Understanding

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Cover Artist: tsurugami (DeviantArt)🔝

Author Note: Keeping the spirit alive, here's another one... 😅  long chapter though. Takes place 3 months before chapter 4 starts. -Dre


Chapter 7: Guidance & Understanding

Flashback ⇥

Sasuke had spent about a little over a year in prison, a year of reckoning and atonement for the crimes he had committed. The war had ended, and he knew he couldn't escape the consequences of his actions. It was a fair punishment, he thought, considering he had once plotted to destroy everything and everyone in the name of his brother, Itachi.

Now, that Sasuke had been released from his cell and was officially pardoned for his crime, he was lost.  He couldn't shake the feeling that a year or so of imprisonment wasn't nearly enough to make up for the harm he had caused. He didn't believe he deserved happiness, not after all he had done.

His first destination upon regaining his freedom was the Hokage tower. He needed to speak with Tsunade, to discuss his future and the path of atonement he intended to follow. She listened to his remorseful words and advised him that before he embarked on his journey of redemption, he needed to speak with the other members of Team 7.

Leaving the Hokage's office, Sasuke ventured out into the village he had once betrayed. As he walked through the streets of Konoha, he felt a mixture of emotions. Some villagers avoided eye contact with him, clearly still harboring resentment for his past deeds, while others offered tentative smiles, perhaps seeing a chance for redemption in him.

 Some villagers avoided eye contact with him, clearly still harboring resentment for his past deeds, while others offered tentative smiles, perhaps seeing a chance for redemption in him

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It was a strange sensation for Sasuke to walk through the village again. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but this certainly wasn't it. He had one person to find, his best friend and rival, Naruto.

After a few minutes of searching, he found Naruto on top of the Hokage mountain. The blonde ninja sat there, overlooking the village they had both sworn to protect. Sasuke approached, his steps hesitant, and as he reached Naruto's side, he cleared his throat.

"Dobe," he began, his voice steady but filled with the weight of his past. "We need to talk."

✦       ✦       

Naruto had sensed Sasuke's presence before he even saw him. The Uchiha rarely sought him out first, so his appearance was a bit unusual. Naruto greeted him with his usual enthusiasm, a bright smile on his face. "Teme, what can I do for ya?"

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