An Invaluable Helper

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'Whose voice was that, who slapped me, where even am I?' Wyatt's mind was racing as he tried to answer the questions popping up in his mind. Although that wasn't the only thing popping up in his mind.
[Awakening Aspect Ability....]
'Huh, who said that.' A starled Wyatt wondered.
'And what does it mean by Aspect Ability.' This term certainly was familiar to Wyatt as he had seen it before, but only in a webnovel that he was reading. He could think of no reason he would be hearing a voice inside his head. Focusing on what was going on around him, Wyatt realized he was still looking at the beautiful lady who he still thought slapped him.
'Unbelievable,  she slapped me and still has the gall to talk like nothing happened!' He's about to complain to the lady when he realizes that words are already coming out of his mouth, although he's left in shock when shock when the words aren't even his. Even then the suprises keep on coming.
[Aspect Ability Aquired.]
[Aspect Ability Name: Bound.]
'That's the same voice as before. Why is it still talking about aspect abilities. Maybe I got reincarnated, is this supposed to be my system? All the webnovels I've read say that reincarnated people get a system, and I did get run over by a truck so I've checked off that box.' As Wyatt is fantasizing about having an adventure, the voice reappears to shatter all of his hopes.
[All power has a price.]
[You have recieved a Flaw.]
'Wait, that sounds familiar.'
[Your Flaw is: ....]
'No, no, no, no, no, NO. Don't tell me I'm now a part of 'Shadow Slave', I'm gonna die!' Wyatt spend a few seconds thinking about it. 'No wait, its okay, I can just use whatever knowledge of the book I had. I just need to find someone who can protect me and I'll give them the knowledge I have. Hehehe,  I'll be invaluable and I can live an easy life, whatever this "Flaw" is, I can find a way to work around it.'
Flaw:[Sealed Lips.]
Flaw Description: [You cannot reveal fate.]
'NOOOOOOOOOOO, MY PLANS, I'M GONNA DIE FOR REAL THIS TIME!' Desperate, Wyatt tries to check his abilities.
[Aspect Ability: Bound]
[Aspect Ability Description: You have no body, but you are not yet useless. You can use and augment the abilities of the one you are attached to.]
'What does it mean "no body", how am I sitting here th---  wait, what does it mean "Attached", attached to who?'
'Ahhhh ha ha ha, maybe its someone strong, maybe I still have a chance.'
Wyatt looks at his surroundings to see if he can figure out his chances of surviving the near future.
He looks at the beautiful woman from before and tries to take in the details.
'Is that Master Jet! Ok there are two possibilities here, either I am in the body of a some government agent who she is talking to, and I can live a somewhat easy life. Or its Sunny and I'll be suffering for the rest of my probably short life. Come on easy life.'
"--- ulations on surviving your First Nightmare, Sleeper Sunless"
'NOOOOOO, TRUCK-KUN, TRUCK-KUN, JUST COME BACK AND FINISH IT ONCE AND FOR ALL, SAVE ME FROM THIS HELL!!!' Wyatt spend the next few minutes pondering how he could possibly survive while in the body of someone with the [Fated] attribute. After spending some time thinking he decides to check his own attributes.
Attributes: [Mark of Fate], [Fated], [Lost].
'Well, well, well, what a lineup. Those last two attributes aren't even helpful, they're practically a second and third flaw. I should be crying but I can't even be bothered, at least the first one seems interesting.'
[Mark of Fate: You have been touched by Fate. You have a mild affinity towards Fate]
'So, it's like [Mark of Divinity], what did that even do again, the divinity helped with Sunny's armor I believe. Dammit, I'm was only at the  Antarctica Arc, was there even a proper use to those divinity attributes.' 'I probably got that attribute through tearing that cage open, maybe it was made out of those threads of fate.'
Once determining his attributes, he checks out his innate ability.
Innate Ability: [Outside of Fate: Your Fate cannot be determined. You are invisible to all Divination.]
'Kefufufufu, finally, something that is useful! Cassie better watch out, she's not getting the better of me.'
Getting back to the real world, he saw himself, or rather Sunny standing in front of a mirror. 'Not only will I suffer, but I'll also be short while doing it. What did I do in my past life to deserve this. Oh thats right, I saved a little girl, I wonder how she's doing. What about my family, are they alright. Fuck, of course they aren't, my little brother must've come home wondering where I am, only to realize that I'll never be coming home again. What good it is playing hero if I can't even save myself. Damn it all, the least I can do for them is live this life to the fullest. Alright, time to start practicing my socializing.'
'[Hello.]' Wyatt tries communicating with Sunny telepathically.
"Who said that." Sunny responds, somewhat flustered.
'[Me.]' Wyatt responds giving Sunny a non-answer.
"And who are you?" A suspicious Sunny asks.
'Shoot, what do I even tell him, should I lie or tell the truth.'
'[I'm your shadow.]' Wyatt choose to answer.
Sunny confusedly points to the shadow, as his even more confused shadow is wondering why he is getting pointed at.
"Is that you." Sunny asks while pointing. His shadow points to himself wondering if Sunny is talking to him, while Wyatt chooses to use this opportunity to act like the shadow.
'[Yup, thats me.]'
"I don't believe you."
'Wow, what a fast response, his flaw must really be hard to control.'
'[That's ok, you'll trust me eventually, I think I can be quite an "invaluable helper".]' Wyatt feels some pressure in his head as he brings up the words that The Spell used when describing Sunny's ability.

End Chapter 2

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