18. Feeling Complete

Start from the beginning

"Fiancée? It's real this time? You're not pretending any more?" Amy wanted to confirm.

"It's very real this time," Tim promised and lazily drew circles on Lucy's side.

"About damn time!" Amy said emphatically.

"Aunt Amy, we only went on one date," Lucy retorted.

"You know why normal couples go on dates? To get to know each other. I know couples who've been married for 20 years that don't understand each other the way you two do," Amy explained.

"That's a fair point," Tim nodded and pressed a kiss to Lucy's temple to make her smile brighter.

"I'm always right. I was right when I told you to go for it and ask my niece out a million times, but you were so stubborn you asked that Barbie out instead. You would have a baby by now if you listened to me!" Amy was certain of that.

"You got what you wanted. Our plan worked, and that's all that matters," Dave's voice came out faint from the other end of the phone.

"Hi, Dave," Lucy said.

"I can't believe both of you didn't know we were actually engaged and just let us pretend for the entire week," Tim shook his head.

"Are you kidding? That was nonstop quality entertainment. I'm still convinced if I could've kept you in town for a few more days, I could've swindled you two into actually getting married. Talk about trapping you so you actually get together," Amy smiled mischievously.

"I told you I'd never let them actually go through with getting married for your entertainment. Marriage is sacred. They needed to be in love first," Dave insisted.

"Before they came to town, they were already in love. Couldn't you tell?" Amy asked her husband.

"That's true." Dave saw her perspective.

"Okay, well, it doesn't matter now, because we're really together and some day, we're really getting married," Lucy could not stop smiling.

Tim did not resist the urge to kiss the corner of her lip.

"Such great news! We're so happy for you two!" Dave said happily.

"So, how did he ask? Or, did you ask? No offense, but Tim can move a little slow, so it's okay if you had to take matters into your own hands," Amy chuckled.

Lucy looked up at Tim who had moved to lay on top of her, his whole body completely pressed to hers. "It was really simple. I was just sitting at home. I had just taken a shower, and I was still in my robe when he showed up, and we talked, and before I knew it, he was putting my ring on my finger." She paused and let out a laugh. "Oh my God that's how it happened the first time, too."

Confused, Tim asked, "What first time?"

"When you and Amy went out to buy me the ring, you showed up to the cottage after I had just gotten out of the shower, and that's when you gave me the ring the first time. Guess that's how it was meant to be. Simple, unconventional, and so us," Lucy beamed.

Tim had completely forgotten about that, but she was right; their fake engagement had gone the same way.

Amy laughed, "That was a pretty brilliant stroke of genius to buy you the ring. I thought it would add some fun and authenticity to your little ruse."

"Hey, now, it was my idea to call the jeweler to open the store early," Dave chimed in.

"You're right. That was great. Thank you, dear," Amy grinned.

"Between Amy and Lucy, it sounds like our kids are going to be little evil geniuses," Tim smiled.

"I'd like your kids to inherit my boldness, since we all know neither of you are. Seriously, it shouldn't have taken so much scheming to convince two people who are already in love to actually take a chance at love," Amy shook her head.

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