Chapter 12: The Demon and Intoxicating Revelations

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Their dance was a captivating blend of waltz and swing, a mesmerizing ebb and flow of movement. He led her close, then with a graceful push, sent her spinning. With each pull and spin, Cinderella found herself further entranced, the room's warm embrace and the effects of the alcohol cocooning her in bliss. She laughed with each twirl, surrendering to the intoxicating rhythm.

Sukuna, from his vantage point, observed the unfolding dance. His gaze, once again drawn to Cinderella, noted the mysterious man leading her in a dance that seemed to captivate her entirely. An unsettling feeling churned in his stomach, his fists clenching involuntarily around his wooden mug. The sight both fascinated and perturbed him.

As the music came to an end, Cinderella attempted to excuse herself, yearning to resume her solitary dance amidst the crowd. But the stranger had other intentions. He tightened his grip on her wrist, refusing to release her. Panic gripped Cinderella as she slurred her words due to the influence of alcohol. "I jush wanna dance alone," she giggled, trying to retract her hand, unaware of the sinister intentions oozing from the man.

"Darling, we were having a great time, I insist you stay," the man said while tightening his grip around Cinderella's wrist. She panicked further, struggling to pull away more forcefully now. "Shir, please let me go," she tried to state sternly, despite her slurred words. The man, however, was unrelenting, pulling her closer and gripping her waist tightly in an attempt to make her dance with him.

Cinderella pressed her hands against his chest, attempting once again to push away, her gaze fixed on the man's face. She noticed distinctive markings on his skin, a star under his right eye and a teardrop under his left. "Perhaps he is a jester?" Cinderella thought to herself, her fear mounting as the situation grew increasingly sinister.

As she contemplated his intentions, the man introduced himself with a name that dripped with ill intent – "The name's Hisoka." Cinderella's heart raced, fearing the worst. Hisoka's advances showed no signs of stopping as he placed his fingers under her chin bringing her face close to his, and she reluctantly closed her eyes, bracing herself for a potential kiss.

But the dreaded moment never came to pass. Instead, her eyes fluttered open to witness a sudden blur of motion and the unmistakable sound of a fist connecting with Hisoka's face. The force sent him hurtling across the tavern, leaving chaos in his wake. Panic rippled through the crowd as they hastily retreated, unwilling to get caught up in the brewing conflict.

Cinderella, her legs trembling, crumpled to the floor. Fear surged through her as she contemplated her own vulnerability in the midst of the turmoil. Several tense moments passed before she looked up and saw a familiar silhouette towering over her. Clad in the recognizable butler attire, it was none other than Sukuna.

"Sukuna?" Cinderella's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and relief as she called out to her unexpected savior.

Sukuna had been a silent observer of the entire confrontation between Cinderella and Hisoka, his emotions simmering beneath a controlled surface. He had chosen the precise moment to intervene, watching the unsettling scene unfold with a clenched fist crushing the wooden mug, his drink spilling and forgotten. A storm of anger churned within him as he traversed the crowded tavern, parting the revelers in his deterred path.

As he approached Cinderella and Hisoka, his gaze locked on the predatory man who had dared to threaten her. Sukuna's breathing grew heavy, his every step a testament to his growing fury. Hisoka's actions had awakened a dangerous rage within him, one he was seldom inclined to unleash.

When he witnessed Hisoka seizing Cinderella's face, Sukuna's restraint snapped, and he threw a fierce punch without hesitation. The impact sent Hisoka hurtling through the air, crashing into a table with a loud thud. It was a strike that few mortals could endure unscathed, but Hisoka, to Sukuna's surprise, seemed unfazed, even amused.

A Cinderella Demon Tale: Sukuna and CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now