"even better" Gio smirks

When I was younger, I used to love going to clubs. I never drank but you would often find me smoking in a corner prior to dancing with someone I didn't know and then taking them home. Pictures and articles were always written about those nights. It became an inside joke between the fans which I loved. As much as I hated having a reputation, I loved how it was me that brought the fans together in a way and made something that they can laugh about.

"You don't drink?" I ask Leah as we lean up against the bar together, the rest of the girls either still at the booth or dancing in the huge crowd of people.

"Not during the season" She tells me, clearly not interested in a conversation

"Well, I try not to drink" I say and I can feel her curious gaze, I know she wants to ask why but she drops it.

"You still smoke though right? I always thought that would hurt your body more than an occasional drink" She says, annoyance evident in her tone

"Smoking is a lot different than drinking Le" I tell her. I remember when she first caught me smoking, god she was so mad.

"Clearly, you still got plenty of trophies at home to count for that" She says, it was like she would say anything to start an argument with me. I roll my eyes as I place my hand on her thigh and scoot closer to her, moving her hair as I whisper in her ear

"Stop pretending like you are mad at me, were out...on vacation...let loose" I tell her, moving my hand up with every word said.  As I pull away, my left hand leaves her thigh as my right  leaves a final squeeze on the lower side of her hip. "Besides, im sure you have way more trophies than I do"

"Probably" She confirms, starring at her hands on the bar

"So you'd be nice enough to lend me one? I'll tell my kids I won it and we take that secret to the grave?" I ask her

"I'll tell your kids to look at the pictures, make sure they are proud of their mama" She says back

"Relax, I'm never having kids" I tell her "You can keep your trophies"

"No?" She asks curiously

"Absolutely not" I confirm "Want to dance?"

"I don't dance" She tells me

"Neither do I" I reply "Come on, were not drinking and we deserve to have some fun"

"I hate you" She says as I take her hand and interlock our fingers, dragging her to the dance floor as Gasolina plays

I take my hands and guide them to her waist, turning her around and pulling her into me. The both of us moving to the beat of the music, the angelic sound of singing along coming out of the blondes mouth.

"Oh my god" Keira gasps as she sees the sight

"She did it...She fucking did it" Lucy says in shock

"Leah doesn't dance" Katie says laughing "I want to know what kind of hold Audriana has on her"

"Oh my god, oh my god" Jill says pointing "The sexual tension could be cut with a knife"

"How much we want to bet Leah brings her home tonight?" Gio asks smirking

"No, Leah doesn't...do that" Keira says confidently

"She also doesn't dance but, here we are" Alexia says

"Alright, fair enough" Lucy says shaking her head "300"

"Lucy" Keira scolds her girlfriend "You cannot bet on my best friends sex life"

"She bet on us getting together" Lucy defends "Worked out pretty well too baby"

I carefully take a hold of her hair and move it to the other side of her neck, freeing her left side to me as I hover my lips over her pulse point. As people grind against each other and shout the lyrics, Leah and I do the same. I softly kiss her neck, being sure not to leave a mark or make it an uncomfortable situation for her.

"You need to stop" She says turning around in my hold, placing her arms over my shoulders as mine rest on her back

"Let me ask you a question" I whisper "When you were so upset the other night, was it because I took Gio home...or because I didn't take you home"

"Audriana" She scolds, not answering my question "You seriously need to stop" She continues as I kiss her neck harder, trying to drag out a moan

"I'm not doing anything" I whisper as I finally realize how close we actually are

"You know what you are doing" She says as she glances between my eyes and lips

"I always know what i'm doing babe" I whisper into her ear, leaving a kiss just under it and walking back to our table. A flustered Leah following me.

"Since when do you dance?" Katie smirks, teasing her best friend

"I don't" Leah says confidently as she sips her water

"You just did Le" Keira says letting out a little laugh

"It was all Audriana" Leah says looking at me in the eyes

"I always get my way" I say confidently, a smirk resting on my face

As the teams talks amongst themselves, I feel Leah's hand on my thigh. I look at her confused to see her talking with Keira and Katie. What is she doing?  I look to my left and see Gio looking at me with a smirk on her face.

"Don't start" I warn her

"Didn't say anything" She says giggling

The Great Love Story - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now