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[East Blue - 10 years ago]

"Hoist the yard! Batten down the hatches! Raise the mizzenmast, men! Prepare to board. Our ship is ready to sail." Luffy said.

"What's the meaning of this?" Garp asked.

"Grandpa, it's our first ship." Leafy replied

"How do you expect to be a Marine when you're wasting your time on this?" Garp said to them.

"We don't want to be a Marine. We're pirates!" Luffy stated.

"No! Grandpa, don't!" Leafy said to Garp

"Stop! It's our ship!" Luffy exclaimed

"Your training begins today. But first..."

"Let us go!"


"No, let us go! We're pirates!"

"Hit the deck!"

"Garp! Let them go!" A voice called out as Garp looked over and saw Seahawk. Garp had let his grandsons go and both Luffy and Leafy ran towards Seahawk and hugged him. Seahawk looked at them. "Boys did he hurt you?" Seahawk asked them.

Both of them looked at him. "No, but he wants us to be like him." Luffy said to him. "Marines! I don't wanna be a marine Sisi. I wanna be a pirate just like you and Shanks!" Leafy responded making Seahawk smile.

Then Seahawk looked at Garp. "You know Vice-Admiral my brother wouldn't be too happy to know that you're trying to hurt two innocent boys or would he rather hear that you're trying to kill me." Seahawk said to him.

"I don't even know who you're brother is Seahawk and besides those two shits need to become marines!" Garp exclaimed.

"Well these two shits are my family no matter what. It's funny how you know me and not my older brother Dracule Mihawk one of the seven warlords of the sea." Seahawk responded.

Garp's face soften then he realized that Mihawk did mentioned he had a younger brother. "You got lucky this time Dracule Seahawk. Next time you won't be so lucky." Garp said before leaving.

[Present Day]

"Everybody okay?" Usopp asked.

"I think so." Leafy replied.

"No. Not okay. Not even close to okay." Nami said.

"Usopp, fire back at them!" Luffy said.

"Or how about we sail away as fast as we can?" Roger suggests.

"Run from the Marines?" Caspian questioned Roger.

"No. Never!" Seahawk said.

"Nami, trim the... the sail thing. Let's sink their ship." Luffy said.

She looks at him. "We don't have time. They're stealing our wind. If they pull up alongside us, we're finished." She said.

"You're the navigator. Do something, you always have something." Leafy stated.

"Zoro, sheet in and hard to port!" Caspian said as Usopp loaded a cannon.

"You know how to load a cannon?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah, of course. I've loaded thousands of 'em. Uh, this must be a different model than I'm used to."

"Which way is port?"

"The left!"

"Usopp, load the cannon in the barrel. Light the fuse."

"Then get the hell out of the way!"

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