Chapter 3

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"You're shadowing me. You don't get my tips." I scowled at Theron as he shoved my money into his waist apron.

"I never agreed to that." Theron spoke, he wore all black which matched his tousled hair.

"Well, too bad, sir. Tory said so."

"And where is Tory?" He cocked a brow.

My fists clenched as I responded, "I wouldn't know, look around. She's clearly not here."

"You're snippier than usual,"

"No I'm not," I groaned. Theron was right, but I wasn't about to admit it. I went to exit the kitchen but the man snatched my wrist. I snapped my body to face the tall man.

I hadn't realized I was staring at his hand grasping me, not until he let go in response to my wide grey eyes.

"What's wrong? Are your plans for tonight ruined because you realized kidnapping children is illegal?" His dark eyes locked on mine. There was an insult to his question but his words held genuine concern.

I rolled my eyes, like I would ever tell Theron about the shit going on in my life. "Not kidnapping. Murder. You get to live another day, sir." Before he could press any further, I scurried to welcome new customers.

The rest of the shift consisted of retorting quick insults as we passed one another doing our job. It had turned into an enjoyable game of jabs and insults, we were even laughing as we said it. The store got busy quickly, so I ended up giving Theron half the customers while I took care of the other half. If it wasn't for his prior experience, I would have been passed out by now.

I saw Theron collecting his tray of food in the back and snorted, "You know the whole E-boy aesthetic isn't doing it for you". Secretly, I knew the man didn't look like an E-boy, he looked like the perfectly structured epitome of darkness. I knew that sounded strange, but it was the best I could come up with.

At one point, Theron saw me concocting alcoholic beverages and voiced, "Are you even old enough to drink?" While passing by. Asshole. To answer his question: Yes, yes I was—In Canada at least.

Finally, I'd just finished bidding goodbye to our last customers and locking the door. But my day was far from over, I still had side duties to complete. I had to be up early tomorrow for a 7:00am class, fuck me.

"It's pretty late so you're okay to leave now, sir." I glanced to Theron while mopping the floors.

"I'm shadowing you, Alora. Tory didn't say I could leave early."

I huffed, plopping the mop into the bucket when I finished. "Now you care what Tory says?"

He made a face, "I don't mind leaving you to do all the side duties if that's what you want."

"... Fine. You can stay."

"That's what I thought," Theron smirked to himself. "I've got the kitchen, you do the rest."

Before I could protest the man was already in the kitchen. Was he a fucking idiot? He just assigned himself the harder tasks. I shrugged my shoulders at the oddly kind act Theron did and continued cleaning up. Once finished, I walked to the back and found Theron sitting in the staff room.

"You're slow as hell," He muttered.

Was he waiting for me? Why on earth would this man do that? Shit. Was he a stalker? A pervert? The man had me alone. There are no cameras outside, Theron could do whatever he wanted and I knew from experience my inability to fight a man off.

I was a terrible liar, but I gave it a shot, "I just remembered, Tory wanted me to clean her office,"

"Is that so?"

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