There It Is, THERE IT IS!!

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The year is 1886.

Attend the tale of Beggar Girl

She served a god of the Underworld

What happened then? Well that's the fic

And if I spoiled it I would be a huge dick

But Beggar,

Oh, Beggar Girl

A crazy lady on Fleet Street

They found me. They locked me up. Fogg's was hell. But I got to see some kids that I nursed. Some kids that've grown since. All me little Johannas. They're mine. They're mine now. I may not have given brith to them but they're mine. I almost feel like I did. I almost feel lke they did come out of me body. They didn't, did they?

I escaped very recently, I figured it out. I snuck back in to see me Johannas, along the beach. As I left, I noticed a boat. I'm noticing a boat. I'm noticing it now. I just left Fogg's. And I see two men on that boat. Lets see if I've still got me money skills. I strut up to the younger one. "Alms, alms fer a miserable woman on a miserable chilly morning." The man drops money in me hands. I trust him so much. I trust him. "Thank yer, sir. Thank yer." What if I played me act on him? Could I get him to give more money? I should see. I have to see. "'Ow would you like a little muff, dear? A little jig jig, a little bounce around the bush. Wouldn't you like to push me parsley? It looks to me, dear like you got plenty there to push" I feel a sudden laugh come over me. I see the absurity of what I said. The absurity of the world. Let me try again. I turn to the other man, I used to trust him. I don't trust him. Who is 'e? "Alms! Alms fer a pitiful woman wot's got wandering wits- 'ey, don't I know you, mister?"

He looks at me petrified. I know those eyes. Those is Judge Turpin's eyes. Or at least the ones 'e gave 'is kid. Not me kid. "Must you glare at me, woman? Off with you, off I say!"

I can try once more. I can try again. "Then 'ow would you like to split me muff, mister? We'll go jig jig! A little—"

"Off, I said. To the devil with you!"

"Oh, off, off. Off, off." Off. They way he speaks. Its a Barker sound. I turst 'im. No, no he'll set the world aflame. No, I trust him. I can't think straight. I see another man to distract me. "Alms! Alms fer a desperate woman..." But before he can tell me to piss off, I realise. Lovely. Mrs Lovely. The woman will take care of me.

I run  to 'er. I run to Lovely. I see her pie shop in the distance, and a familiar face far behind. I step inside. "Oh, Lucy. Good to see ya. Would you like a nice meat pie?" I'm Lucy. i think I get it now. I'm Lucy.

"Who's the man coming up? Wot's that man's name?" She looks out the window. In the distance in the man from the boat. The man I knew. The man I know. The man I trust. The man I don't.

"Oh my god, he's back. You need to leave."

"Why? Alms, alms-" Instincts kick in. I'm scared.

"I don't need trash hanigng around my pie shop anymore. Not now that he's back. Leave. LEAVE"

I freeze up. I need something familiar. What's familiar? "Beadle, deedle, deedle, deedle, deedle, deedle dumpling, beadle dumpling, beadle, deedle-"

"Stop singing and get- My god, there's no time." Me arm's grabbed. Not by Lovely. This isn't Lovely anymore, this is a new force. This is the city on fire. She throws me into the room below. Where the meat's cooked. Oh no, oh no. It's dark. The city on fire is near. The city on fire is close. Oh no, oh no, oh no.  Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. She locks me in. I can't speak. It's like I'm on me deathbed. It's like I will be. It's like I'll die here. I'll die in the flames. I see two large doors on the other side of the room, I can barely see them. It's so dark. I open the latch

There it is. The city on fire. The source of the flames. I knew it. I fucking knew it.

Author's notes:

HI! Sorry it took me so long to write this part, I've been so strssed about doing this source material justice, but I think it's gonna be great. I have such a cool idea in mind, especially for the ending. I'll be getting back on track with my writing soon :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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