Renard's Confession

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"Is that so? Can't we just win the war against the dragons without Arceus' help?" asked William back.

"I'm afraid that is not possible. The dragons and their allies are undefeatable. But in the same time, they also cannot defeat Arcadius and its allies. Both sides are evenly matched, so the war never stops." Said Ryo.

"But how about the treaty of Sindarin?" asked William.

"Look, we all know that the treaty of Sindarin is a lie. First, the treaty allows the dragons to hunt down fairies in all kingdoms except Arcadius. Second, the dragon will most likely break the treaty as soon as they have built an army massive enough to launch another invasion." Said Akira.

"But the dragons had made a promise not to invade other kingdoms anymore!" said William.

"Don't be naïve. Dragons never keep their promises because they are immoral. Immorality is in their blood..." said Akira.

"That is true. Don't be fooled by the current peace. The dragons are using it to secretly prepare for yet another full-scale invasion." Said Alicia.

The Innkeeper had finished skinning the magikarp.

"Do you want the magikarp with or without chilli?" asked the Rhydon.

"With chilli please! I love spicy food!" said Renard.

"Wait! No chilli please! My stomach can't stand spicy food!" said Ryo.

"Man, you are weak!" said Renard to Ryo.

"It is ironic that such words were spoken by a guy who lost to a girl..." said Natalie.

"Natalie! Are you trying to defend Ryo?! He is not worth defending, so stay out of this!" said Renard to Natalie.

"He is like a little brother to me, so I won't let you bully him. Not on my watch!" said Natalie.

"Whatever! I still don't understand why guild master Caesar picked a weakling like Ryo to retrieve the icicle plate!" said Renard.

"Because he is smart. You can't understand because you are too stupid to understand!" said Natalie.

"Don't you dare call me stupid you spoiled aristocrat!" said Renard.

"Enough!" said Akira.

"Ah! Finally, the great Akira decides to stand up for his little brother!" said Renard.

"Is your inferiority complex so severe that you have to constantly put others down just to feel better about yourself?!" asked Akira.

"You know nothing about me you stuck up jerk..." hissed Renard.

"What is the matter Renard? Your parents don't love you enough?" asked Alicia.

When Renard heard that, his eyes started to become teary. As he was about to cry, he stood up and left the inn. He ran away somewhere.

"Oh...what a drama..."said Brendan.

"Don't worry, I'll find him." Said Natalie.

"In the middle of a vicious hailstorm?!" asked William.

"I'm a glaceon. Hailstorms won't hurt me." Said Natalie.

"Then find him before he runs away too far!" said Akira.

"Got it!" said Natalie.

As Natalie left the inn, she still could see Renard from afar. Renard was a fast runner, but the snow was too thick, so it slowed him down, enabling Natalie to follow him as he went into a cave.

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