Fifty-Eight: Humiliation

Start from the beginning

As I glanced over my shoulder discreetly, my stomach rolled with lust and love as I noticed that he was already looking over in my direction. I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip as he winked at me.

"Excuse me, Maddie. Are you paying attention?" Remus raised his voice slightly and cleared his throat,

"Oh, yes, I'm so sorry, sir," I replied shyly, turning back immediately,

"Thank you," Professor Lupin nodded his head at me, "Now, when casting let's say, Confringo..."

"You two are so obsessed with each other, aren't you?" Hannah whispered in my ear, stopping my concentration once again,

"What makes you say that?" I whispered back.

Hannah pressed her lips into a tight line, looked up at Remus to make sure he wasn't looking over to us at all. She picked up her quill from the desk and flipped to the back of one of her notebooks.

"You're not serious, Mads? You can't be away from each other for more than like an hour. You would be attached by the hips if you could, wouldn't you?"

"We can stay away from each other, we've just gone through so much together, that's all. I love him so much, Han."

"It is sweet, I suppose. You know, I feel kind of bad because of what went down at Madam Puddifoots, I never wanted anything like to that happen. You do believe me, don't you?"

"Yeah, of course, I do. You're all so different to Draco, but I never thought it would end that way."

"We all wanted to apologise, but we didn't want to make matters worse. Do you like being with Malfoy, then?"

"What kind of a question is that?"

"Well... his father is a Death Eater, Mads... I thought maybe being at his house and surrounded by all of them, it might make you think twice about being with him."

"Draco isn't like that, Han. He's not the awful person you all think he is. He loves me, and I love him, surely that's all that matters?"

"Of course, babe! As long as he treats you right, that's all I care about!"

"Hannah and Maddie. Perhaps, one of you can answer this for me. What other dark creature do Inferi resemble?" Remus asked, arching his eyebrow at us both with a slight look of annoyance on his face,

"Inferi are similar to zombies, sir," I answered meekly, guilt pooling in the pit of my stomach,

"Very good," Professor Lupin's face softened, "Might I remind you both that passing notes to one another is not allowed, if you've something to share, do so with the rest of the class. And please, pay attention in my class,"

My cheeks burned with humiliation and my tummy twisted in on itself. A sudden and harsh pang of guilt hit me. I sat up a little straighter and made sure to concentrate fully on what he was saying.


Hours had passed, and thankfully, nothing had happened in any other class. Hannah didn't seem bothered by the fact Professor Lupin caught us writing to each other, but it made me feel awful. I'd have to be sure to apologise to him when I saw him next.

When I met up with Draco at break, the Slytherins all took great pleasure in lightly taking the piss out of me and laughing about me being called on in Defence Against the Dark Arts. That was my version of getting into trouble, after all.

Draco had to go and speak to the Quidditch Captain quickly, but I was meeting him in the Prefects common room. I was so excited to spend the next hour with him because it felt like I had barely seen him today.

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