Kayn sucks

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Akali found a way to distract Vayne long enough for her to forget about the screaming part. And she went home only to finally realize what she had done.

She helped killing someone. And that means that she was just as guilty as Evelynn was. She would never do something like that. That's against everything she believes in. What was she thinking? What has she done? She doesn't even know why she did it.

But it was done now. And there was nothing she could do about it. The man's death was announced in the morning and thank god Vayne didn't know that it was his house that they chatted at because she didn't know the place enough. Even though she probably had some great suspicions about Akali now.

She felt worse when she realized that she wasn't feeling so bad about what she had done. That guy had a terrible reputation and had done some...questionable things. Even though it was still murder it felt less painful.
Evelynn needed to "eat". It was a need for every living things even though her type of food is pretty unique, she needed it. And Akali wasn't going to take that away from her.

She couldn't even look at Shen in the eyes without feeling bad. Speaking of, he had to leave to "settle things" in another village. Even though Akali wasn't supposed to know about that, apparently, some people weren't really happy with letting a Demacian run freely in Ionia. Shen wasn't going to be here for an undetermined amount of time. But she couldn't skip training until he came back. She had done it way too many times those past months. She couldn't afford doing it again.

She needed at substitute teacher for now. And the chiefs chose...Kayn. One of the person that she admired and respected the most. When they met up, Akali couldn't stay in place. She had so many things she wanted to talk about with him. He was a hero after all. And they had the same fighting style and weapon, even though his was more...special. No one had never seen her this excited about training.

On their way to the camp she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She just kept talking and talking and he was struggling saying even a word without interrupting her. He was nicer than he looked. He was intimidating but quiet. And really good at teaching. It wasn't easy at all this time for Akali but it was for the best.
She sat down next to Kayn for a little break. He was just making jokes about how she held her weapon. Akali was laughing.

Evelynn's pov:

She was laughing? Why would she laugh? What was so funny? And why was she looking at him like that? Like if she liked being with him? No, no that couldn't be true. It wasn't because it just couldn't be.

Evelynn was watching from afar. Hiding. She didn't have context but she could guess the reason Kayn was here. She hated him. Not just because she had a bad history with the demon in his weapon. But because of the way he made Akali laugh. She didn't know why it angered her so much. And it was only making it worse. She was thinking of the way she was going to rip his head off but she quickly stopped. She couldn't do that. Akali would hate her forever. She didn't want that to happen. Why? Why would she care? Damn it. The demon just couldn't understand a thing of why she was thinking all this but Kayn was close to Akali. Too close. She hated that. She hated him. She could feel rage boiling in her. And she hated it more. Hate. Hate. Hate.

She turned her eyes away. She couldn't look at this any longer. She knew she was going to do something she'd regret if she did. She slid off the rock that she was sitting on and disappeared into the shadows.

Akali's pov:

Kayn had left to get some materials for the next part of the training. She was cleaning her weapon before hearing some birds scream which made her lift her head. They were flying away from a spot deeper into the woods. Her first thought was to stay exactly where she was. She wanted to go check but she knew it had more chances to result in her getting killed more than coming back with something worth it.

But what if someone was in danger. They would probably be dead by now. But what if they weren't? As a soldier she needed to check. Kayn wasn't far anyways, she should be fine. She got up and started sprinting towards the presumed place. Her fear grew bigger with every steps, especially when she started seeing scratch marks all over the trees the deeper she got. She stopped to check what kind of...creature could have done that. Pink? It wasn't blood. It was shiny and practically glowing. It was Evelynn's pink... Oh no.

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