Death sucks

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It was training day for Akali, once again. The day she hated the most of the week. And it wasn't even the training that was bothering her, she was crushing it every times anyways, what bothered her was staying the forest for too long. Not that she was scared she was...concerned for her safety..?

Yes, she was scared. She had gone through those woods so many times and not a single time she had came out without a scratch. There were things in this forest, things that no one should see, creatures that should be hidden from the world for eternity. Sure she could take care of them in seconds but never finish them.

Akali never understood magic, she never managed to control it, costing her a rebel kid reputation even though she was a grow 23 year old woman. Shen was taking her through the forest like if it was a daily walk, the girl staying close behind him hiding her fear behind her mask trying her best to look tough. Finally arriving to the training camp Akali wasn't even relieved, that training camp was still lost in the middle of nowhere.

Anyways, Akali's training was boring to her, she was used to it, to Shen telling her that "you shouldn't hold your weapon like that" or "a noble death isn't killing someone by ripping their head off, Akali" to which she always responded "yeah sure old man". The day was finally over but the sun was almost set and the girl was exhausted adding to that Shen insisting on still going back home in the middle of the woods in the dark was not appealing to all, but could she even say anything about it? She forced herself to go with Shen acting like if everything was fine when she was obviously trembling like a leaf.

Every sounds around her sounded like something getting closer, a branch cracks, leaves getting crushed, the wind blowing? But there was something that was bothering her more than anything, it's that they were watched, and both of them knew it. Shen's immense sense of vision and his ability to feel an evil aura is probably the closest to magic Akali ever got to learn. They were surrounded by evil presences which did not help her feel better at all. Shen suddenly stopped walking which makes the girl bump into him asking angrily why in the world is he stopping now, to what Shen answered the most terrifying thing he could possibly say "Stay here for a second, wait for me" leaving Akali in pure shock and fear, the poor girl is stunned while Shen just walks away in the trees. She wants to call him and asks him what's going on but she knows that if she says even one word it might be the last one ever.

She stays silent and lays her back to a rocky wall almost tripping and falling in a small hole, like a little cave. She almost lets out a scream but covers her mouth in time. She starts hearing noises behind her and before she could even see what they were coming from she sees a flash feeling herself fall to the floor with a sharp pain in her stomach. What was in front of her, was the most horrifying thing she'd ever seen. A was a living scarecrow, the most terrifying and gruesome piece of wood she had ever seen. It had some extremely long wooden claws covered in blood, her blood. She had an open wound on her stomach, the beast staring at her with its empty eyes, before jumping to her with his open mouth filled an unreasonable amount of teeth ready to gobble her up. Akali knew that this time, there is no way she's getting out of there. She feels something sharp slashing the air in front of her and then...nothing.

Akali opens her eyes almost expecting to see the gates of heaven but no. She's still on the floor losing blood but there is nothing facing her. She sees the monster panicking a bit further away like if it was itself scared of something, looking around, not paying attention to its own prey. Akali instinctively backs up in the small cave not even thinking of why did that thing leave her alone. Her back hits the end of the cave and she's trying to control her breathing but she's losing too much blood, her vision starts to blur. The rock is freezing cold as she desperately looks for something warm but the only thing is her own blood tainting the stone crimson red. She can see movement outside, something dark...some pink flashes...a horrible screeching noise and then the monster...dead? No, it can't be, the evil aura is still here, to not say a hundred times stronger.

Her vision blurs more and she can see a dark figure with pink highlights... walking up to her in the cave. But the aura is getting closer, whatever is walking up to her, isn't the kindest soul, far, very far from it. If that "thing" is another demon it sure looks like a human...woman... "She" gets to Akali's level and stares at her for what seems to be hours and lets out an annoyed sigh, the fighter feels herself losing consciousness...she was going to die. If the injury wasn't going to kill her, that demon will. But surprisingly no. That death wasn't coming. Her vision blurs some more until all she can see is pitch black and the sound of her own heartbeat filling her ears. She was dead...?

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