first glance.

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 "You are not going to believe this."

Anastasia sat by the strawberry fields, arms wrapped around her knees. Being alive again was troublesome, if only because it invites people to speak to her instead of milling around all ghost-like.

She lolled her head upwards, black strands of hair falling across her eyes. It was true that she came to the fields when she wanted to be alone; it was also true that Eleanor, her baby sister, was possibly the only person who could interrupt her without losing a hand.

"Yes, El?" she asked. "Whatever could it be, El? Please tell me more, El, and let's all ignore the fact that I was trying for some peace and quiet."

Anastasia was the child of Nyx, a determining characteristic all on its own. Coupled with the fact that she was second-born and most of Camp hated her, it only fueled her fury. She was nowhere near as temperamental as the Ares children, but that was probably only because she, unlike them, was always angry.

Eleanor huffed, all of thirteen, and plopped herself beside Anastasia, clearly undeterred. They were related by blood on their dad's side, as was their middle brother, but you could hardly tell. Both Eleanor and Ivan had bright blond hair and gray eyes, just like their father. Only Anastasia was blessed with dark eyes and dark hair, or so dad always said.

They were a strange family. Anastasia and Ivan were the children of Nyx, but Eleanor belonged to Athena. Anastasia tried not to resent their parentage too much though. She's always privately held the opinion that children of Athena are in over their head.

"Guess," Eleanor demanded. And then, probably anticipating Anastasia's response, "Please, come on, Ana. You're no fun anymore."

Yes, Anastasia mused. Dying would do that to you.

"I don't know," she indulged. "Uh, Chiron brought back sushi at the Mess Hall."

A flicker of something crossed Eleanor's expression. Anastasia dug deep into her memory to recognize it as hurt.

"You know I'm vegetarian," Eleanor said swiftly. Anastasia supposed she did, but she always forgot things that weren't life and death. "Anyway, no. It's important — not about fucking food."

"Language," Anastasia chided absentmindedly. Her fingers drummed on her knees as she though. If there was one thing she loved, it was a puzzle. "Don't tell me there's another Great Prophecy."

Eleanor beamed. Her ponytail bobbed as her excitement grew. "Close!"

Anastasia sighed. There was a part of her that hoped Eleanor's wonderment wouldn't be trained out of her. She was the youngest out of the three siblings, unimportant enough in the grand scheme of things to stay at home when the war was going on 4 years ago. There was another part of Anastasia that wonders if that happiness was too much, for a child of Athena. She wondered if her baby sister even belonged at a place like Camp Half-Blood.

Anastasia raised an eyebrow expectantly.

Eleanor tripped over her words in her haste to explain. "Well, I was by the lake, not Thalia's tree. So I didn't see it, really. Or, kinda I did. I saw someone walking with Chiron into the Big House, just the two of them. I didn't think much about it, like, okay new recruit, big deal. But then—"

She cut herself off, voice dropping into a dramatic whisper. "I heard some of the older campers talking. According to them, it's not just some random guy. According to them, it's Jason freaking Grace. The hero. He's back from the dead."

Anastasia stared at her. "Why on earth would you make me guess that?"

Eleanor knocked her knees with her sisters. "Oh, psh. Don't pretend you would have any reverence for a dead guy."

icarus complex ● jason graceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora