Chapter 15: The Hearing

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I nodded, sitting up and throwing off the covers I was under. The bandage on my leg was gone along with the bite mark. There wasn't a single trace of it left on my smooth skin. "Thank you, Hecate. I don't feel any pain anymore." I frowned. "Did you say it was a curse?"

Her lips thinned in distaste. "Yes, and it's a punishable offence. Hades has no right to practice such sorcery, and the fact that he'd used the serpent's curse on you with intent to harm--"

"He'll pay for it. He has to." Eros tightened his jaw in anger, his honey eyes blazing. "I'll make sure he does."

"You know how protective father is over Hades and Poseidon. I doubt he will give him a just punishment," Persephone sighed, standing beside Eros. She smiled at me. "I'm glad you made it back safe."

I forced a pleasant smile in return, just like mother taught me to do when speaking with ladies of the court I'd disliked. "Yes, well-- umph!"

I was tackled back onto the bed with a flying Lena.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she sniffled. "We were all so worried when you were gone, and when they brought you here, unconscious, talking about some kind of curse? I wanted to fling that Zeus lookalike off the highest balcony in Olympus."

I laughed, wrapping my arms around her waist and squeezing, glad to see my best friend again.

"Wait, Hades is here?" I asked, frowning. "Are the people of Asterin safely returned to their homes? What about Avyssos?"

"Yes, everyone's been rescued from the Underworld, including the dragon," Lena said. "Zeus came down to force Hades to surrender, threatening him with something Persephone told him. We'll hear it all at the Hearing. We were actually just on our way there, but came to check on you. Since you're awake now, do you want to come?"

"If you get off of me, I will."

She snorted, lifting herself off, then suddenly tackled me down again. 

"That Persephone girl," she whispered. "I don't like her much."

"Me neither," I whispered back. 

"Don't smear her face with cake though," she joked, snickering quietly to herself. Out loud, she said, "I'm so happy you're back!" She got off me and stood, flinging me up to my feet right after. "Let's go see Hades get his punishment!"

Persephone clung to Eros as if her life depended on it. She looked genuinely nervous as we made our way to the meeting hall where the Hearing would take place. Though I wasn't happy that she chose Eros as her protector, I couldn't help but pity her for everything she's been through.

Eros kept throwing glances in my direction, but I didn't want him to see the petty jealousy in my eyes, so I kept my gaze forward, letting Lena lead me with her arm hooked with mine.

When we arrived to the Hearing, we took our seats in the front row of the audience. There was a single throne on a podium in the centre where Zeus was sat, and the single seat in front of it was occupied by Hades. Many other Gods were also present, sitting in the audience that surrounded the two brothers. 

"You've all asked for a Hearing, and I of course listened to your requests," Zeus started. "We've here to discuss the offences Hades has incurred and decide on his punishment."

Murmurs erupted among the audience. 

"Silence!" Zeus demanded. He cleared his throat. "Now, let us hear Hades's side of the story first. Hades?" He gestured for his brother to speak. 

Hades stood from his seat and faced the audience. Not a single ounce of remorse was shown on his face. His gaze locked with Persephone's, who clung even tighter to Eros. 

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