Chapter 13: Persephone

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The four of us stared at the Helm of Darkness in all its glory, gleaming as it rested on the table before us. No one dared to touch it.

"What now?" Rib asked.

"One of us has to use it to get to the Underworld," I said.

"Do you think it would take you straight to Tartarus?" Lena wondered, regarding the Helm with distaste.

"The deepest pit in the Underworld?" Rib paled. "I... I don't think I should be the one to go. One of you would be better suited for this mission."

Eros raised a brow. "Don't you wish to rescue your wife?"

Slumping his shoulders, Rib nodded. "I do. I am acting cowardly, I know." He took a deep breath, rolled back his shoulders, then gave a decisive nod. "All right! I'm ready. I will go and save everyone from the grasps of Persephone and Hades. And all the monsters that might be lurking in the unfamiliar surroundings...all myself..." He paled with every word.

Eros put one hand on his shoulder. "Do not worry, human. Even if you did wish to go, we wouldn't let you."

"I'll go," I offered. "I was the one who failed to read the clues that were given to me. It is only fair that I make it right."

"Cassia, it wasn't your fault," Lena said, putting her hand over mine. "Even if you knew that everyone would be taken on the day of the Sunflower Festival, you couldn't have been able to prevent it."

"Don't blame yourself, love." Eros's soft gaze met mine. "It wasn't your doing."

"But that woman came to me. She gave me the warning. I feel like I failed her," I said. I looked at the Helm. "I will find a way to bring them back."

The door opened and grandfather walked into the chambers with a folded piece of papyrus. He glanced at everyone in the room, then rested his golden gaze on the Helm. "You've restored it. Good. I brought you something else that will help you find your bearings in the Underworld."

He unfolded the papyrus and revealed a map. Pointing to a certain spot, he said, "This is where all the humans would be. In Hades's palace. I don't know the reason for his kidnappings, but many of us think that it might have to do with Persephone. If Zeus had come to his senses already, we would be certain by now... But no matter. Use this map to direct the Helm to take you where you want to go." He placed the map beside the Helm. "I must leave now for the meeting. Eros, it would do you good to show your face there as well."

With a nod in our direction and a glance at Eros, grandfather left.

Rib scratched the back of his neck. "Are you ready?" he asked me.

"I'm ready," I said. Taking the Helm into my hands, I slowly put it on my head. Though it looked much too large at a glance, it fit me perfectly.

"Do you feel any different?" Lena wondered.

I shook my head. "I can't even tell that I have it on. It's odd."

"It's magic." Eros smiled. He then handed me the map. "Take it with you. You can use it to teleport to different parts of the Underworld with the Helm. Don't lose it."

I held up the map of the Underworld in front of me and scanned it with my eyes until they landed on Hades's palace — right where I needed to go. "I just concentrate on the palace and let the Helm take me there, right?"

"That's right." Eros nodded. "It is usually guarded, but the—"

I didn't hear what he said next, as I was suddenly thrown into darkness and everything around me disappeared faster than I could blink. A moment later I found myself standing on the edge of a cliff, inches away from a deep and wide river that roared below. I stepped away from the edge and turned.

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