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Mage and Gabo have been enemies sense, who knows how long! Mageneker is the onely one to mention it, Gabo has never mention Mageneker in his channel. Mage says that they are "Personal Enemies" The story between them is not very clear or known (at least for me).

But Mageneker has a bigger enemy than Gabo, Solazar is Mageneker's worst enemy, he's like Mage's copycat! Solazar has tried to destroy Mageneker's family (when I say family, I mean his twin sisters), he has never win a single battle, but the war always continues. Mageneker has never seen Solazar as a threat, but Solazar is pretty dangereous, because, eaven tho the Animacion family is pretty powerful, he is smarter, stronger, and sharper. At the moment, the Animacions are calm but also worried bacause they haven't heard a peep from Solazar. But when he apears, they be ready for a nother fight!

♡ Sup, well I finished the first chapter, hope U guy's liked it (or at least someone will read it), byeeee

The drawing is mine btw. ♡

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