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The smell of fresh coffee fills your nose early in the morning. It just gives you strength to take on the day.

But not for miss Margaret.
Coffee is just one thing miss Margaret diss likes in the morning because......

Wake up miss pearl.
Miss pearl wake up.....if you don't wake up I'll force you to drink coffee.

Nnnooo leave me be pls.

No my pearl you need to go to work
how will sell all that books to the people huh?

You (she smiles) I can't. Why not you do it all the time?

Well I have other stuff to do today.
Like for nommber 1 I have to go to the office. 2 I need to go get something.

Why you need to go to the office? Well you see I have a real job not like you. RUDE you take that back right know!!

Okay ,okay sorry no need to punch me I know I'm that punchable but dam there is a limit pearl.


What you need to get ?
That is for me to know and you to find out.
Yes really pearl. Know get your bum out of bed and get ready for work.
See ya later okay.
See ya.

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