Chapter 9: A Bump in the Road

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This was a bad idea, Nina knew it but she had to go through with it. She promised Luna to spend the day finishing up details for the wedding. Gastón would help and that's the part that made her the most nervous.

They decided to meet at the Jam & Roller. Being in a public pltheace might make this meeting less nerve-wracking. Plus, Luna was closeby, training for the next skating competition with the team. If they needed help with anything, she could be here soon.

"Hey, sorry, I'm late. I was discussing some details with Matteo about the duet we're doing," Gastón said in a way of greeting.

"I heard about that, Luna said Matteo was very excited about this," Nina answered, "He's really happy you're back."

"Me too, I have to admit that I missed Buenos Aires. England isn't quite the same," Gastón said quietly.

Nina smiled and answered: "I imagine so."

Gastón felt the awkwardness and changed the subject even though he wanted to say so much more.

"So what do we have to do today?" he asked.

"Well, Luna and Matteo have everything booked and sorted out. We just need to check that the things they ordered will be delivered on time," she said as she looked through all the papers with all the orders on them, "We have to make some phone calls then."

Gastón nodded in answer and said: "Sounds easy enough. What's their wedding date again? I want to make sure I get it right."

"It's exactly 4 weeks from now," Nina looked down at the date.

"Then we better hope everything is okay because arranging anything on such short notice would be impossible."

"Let's get started then."

That's what they did, for the next few hours, they make phone call after phone call. Nina was relieved to know that everything was going smoothly so far. With something else to focus on, there wasn't any awkwardness between them. But sooner or later, they'll have to have a serious talk.


"Are you sure this is true?," Gastón asked the lady on the phone.

"I'm afraid so, the venue was destroyed by a heavy storm. We can't repair it in time," the owner of the venue answered patiently.

"Is there any alternative?" he asked a little panicked and turned around to look at Nina to show how he felt.

"If there is, I'm afraid you need to find it yourself. We have to put all our resources in the repair of the venue."

"Alright, we'll have to find something then, thank you," he answered, disappointed and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Nina asked, clearly in panic.

"We have to find a new venue," he sighed. Feeling hopeless, not sure if this problem will be solved.


"Finding a new venue on such short notice is going to be impossible. We're never going to find the perfect place again. How on earth will we pull this off when we don't even have time to breathe until the wedding?" Luna said exasperated, pacing back and forth in the locker room.

Nina and Gastón stood near the counter, looking worriedly at their friend while Matteo is rubbing his neck. He clearly didn't like seeing his fiancée in distress.

He gently took one of her hands when she waved with them and pulled her in for a hug.

"I know this wedding is stressfull, chica delivery. It doesn't help the skating competition is close but just take a breath. We can solve this, I just need you to calm down," Matteo said while rubbing her back in soothing circles.

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