Chapter 5: Changed Dinner Plans

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Luna paced back and forth in the living room of her home. She couldn't stop worrying. She hadn't seen or talked to Nina in 3 days and she didn't know what to think. This never happened before and she was really concerned about her best friend. She needed time, that much was clear but Luna wasn't sure how much time was enough. 

If Nina lived too long in her head, who knows what she might think. Eventually, her worry took over the need to give her space so she grabbed her bag and decided to go see Nina at her house. She didn't know if she was there, but it would be a pretty good guess.

Luna didn't notice Matteo entering the house when she was looking frantically for her keys. He didn't greet her because he was scared he might spook her but there was an obvious frown on his face, Luna looked panicked and worried which made his concern grow for her.

When she found her keys, she didn't take the time to look up and she bumped into a hard body. 

"Well, we meet again, chica delivery," Matteo greeted her.

Luna jumped a little by his voice and said: "Oh, I didn't see you."

She didn't say anything else and Matteo's frown returned.

He tried to keep the conversation light though: "You know, that's not the first time I heard you say that." 

She put a hand on her forehead and gave him a small smile: "Sorry, I was a little distracted."

"Well, I should be used to that by now," he pecked her lips and smiled, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I was going over to Nina's. I still haven't seen or talked to her. I'm getting worried. This is not something she usually does."

Luna seemed to be deep in thought about Nina's behaviour and he hated to see her so worried. 

"Do you think it's because of Gastón?" he couldn't help but be worried about Nina as well. They became really close friends over the years and he didn't like that she seemed to be suffering from all that was happening.

"I'm sure it is. Only Gastón would be able to have that big of an effect on her," she put her hands around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder, she needed to feel his comfort at the moment. He held her tight, clearly sensing what she needed right now. 

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" she continued.

He sighed and answered: "I know it might seem hard right now but it's obvious that they miss each other but don't want to admit that to each other," he paused, "I mean, I get it, we were in the same exact situation with Michel." 

His name came out more bitter than he intended, he still didn't like the guy, even years after he left.

Luna couldn't help but chuckle: "I can't believe we were so oblivious about each other's feelings back then." Smiling at the memory of how stupid they'd been.

"But look at us now, I'm sure everything will be alright in the end. We just need to be patient and just like us, they need help with finding their way back to each other. We're more than happy to assist," Matteo said, getting back to the subject.

"I guess you're right," she sighed and continued, "I just hate seeing them so miserable."

Luna hasn't seen much of Gastón since he returned but every time she saw him, it was obvious that he wasn't entirely happy.

"Me too but you should go see Nina, I think talking to a friend might do some good. Gastón is coming over soon to see our house in person. He asked if we could have dinner together, would you be able to make it?" Matteo asked her.

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