Ch - 1: Introduction

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Y/N = Your Name

Y/N is about 16 years old. Not much with the energy of one. It's always like she is living because she has to. Her parents may be one of the problems but at this point, it doesn't matter to her. She keeps daydreaming in class but somehow manages to get the highest grades in class which are yet not satisfactory to her parents. One such a day, she has been caught by the strict Miss Rosins who sends her to the principal's office without a second thought. The principal is an old lady of such a type whom you can find in a café asking for a manager. That's right, a karen. She doesn't care to ask on why she was sent to the office and just calls Y/N's parents to the school. After the parents arrive, they team up with the principal and start to scold her real bad. It was this moment that Y/N "realized" that she was the reason of the problems. She looked down ashamed. Looking a bit up she whispers a sorry but is slapped and then dragged to the car. The whole ride she has been thinking about this and has a lot of thoughts on her mind. "Am I a nuisance?", she asks herself half in tears, "Where did I go wrong??". After spending some time with these thoughts she fell asleep while crying. Again to be woken up by a sudden shrill.
Ch - 2: Grounded

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