The first meet

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Present day

I sat on my throne, tapping my fingers on the arm rests as i waited and waited. Today i would meet my assistant who i had no say in choosing. The only thing i know about him was that he is around my age and that his name is Moon.
"When is he arriving?" I asked in a monotone voice to the butler standing beside my throne.
"Soon my king, soon" He responded, bowing a bit. I scoffed, soon isn't direct it's just an estimite- and i'm not a fan of estimites. I started to tap my foot on the carpeted floor in annoyance-what was taking so long?!
"Ugh this is irritating, he should be here by now" i snapped, my eyes thin. The butler shrugged his shoulder as he adjusted his uniform. The door creaked open a bit and a guard entered the room. Behind him was...him.
His hair was a deep shade of dark blue with light white highlights and black short extentions. He had a pair of glasses on his face that i could tell were fale since they had no lenses in. He was wearing a black nirvana t-shirt with a maroon flannel on paired with ripped denim jeans and black converses. He gave me a soft smile and i caught my face heat up but not display any blush.
"My king, meet moon. Moon, this is King Sunlight" the guard introduced as moon bowed slightly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you in person My king" moon said..his so soft and gentle.
"N-Nice to meet you too, Moon" i stuttered, trying to keep my composure. I got off the throne and walked up to Moon before offering my hand to be shook. He slowly accepted my hand and he shook it-his grip was firm yet gentle, not too tight and not too loose. I released my grip and let my hand drop to my side before giving moon a sweet smile. Moon smiled back.
"M-My king, shall i sh-" the guard began but i cut him off.
"Let me show you your office alright?" I stated as i held his wrist and led him to his office nearby.

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