2. Dawn Before Darkest

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Heads up. I'm going to write the next chapters and the future Season 2 chapters in Microsoft OneNote from now on. I hope pictures can be copied and pasted from there. So there's that. I know I'm still on break. But I had this tucked away in the drafts, so here it is.



As the sun sets on a village in the deepest parts of the France wilderness, a younger Viessa is seen walking with her Master, Garza Belloc. Garza keeps his Cane Sword close to him as he and Viessa scout the outer areas of the village.

Viessa: Master. I don't see anything. 

Garza: Stay on alert. These blood drinking bastards love to hide.

The two continue to trek through the woods, owls are heard alongside the other natural sounds of the wildlife. As they walk, they hear the sounds of rustling in the bushes. A vampire lunges at Viessa from behind, but she draws her flintlock pistol, twirling it around in the air to land backwards on her shoulder as she fires, wounding the vampire as they fall on the ground, dying.

Garza: Excellent. 

Garza then notices Viessa's uneasy look of mental imbalance. 

Garza: Viessa? Is something the matter?

Viessa: Actually... yes. It's Y/N, and the rest of the Sorcerers. Are you sure he's going to be okay?

Garza: They will. I'm certain of it. That boy is powerful in his own right. I wouldn't worry at all when it comes to our people.

Viessa: Are you sure?

Garza: I am. We've stood strong for 400 years, and we'll remain as the shields for the innocents.

The vampire however, coughs up blood as he laughs.

Vampire: What foolishness...

Garza goes over to the vampire, unsheathing his sword from cover, and stabs the vampire in the chest. He grunts out in pain, but he still laughs.

Garza: You vermin all need to exterminated. One by one. 

Vampire: Ha... I can say the same to you Sorcerers, always bleeding for livestock. Your Regiment has been played like a fiddle. And now, all of you will burn...

The vampire's head slumps over as he turns to ash.

Viessa: Master Belloc, what did he mean by that?

Before Garza could respond, screams are heard alongside gunfire at the village. Garza and Viessa quickly return to the village. Once they arrive, they find 3 vampires and their men ruthlessly slaughtering the innocent as they're either shot, cut down, or trampled by horses. But none of the aforementioned vampires look like any lowly fodder. 

(ignore all that extra stuff on the sides

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(ignore all that extra stuff on the sides.)


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