"love you"

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Another snowy night of December you two drinking outside..not you only him with vodka ...you just had coffee..

"Soviet are you okay?"

"Yeah i am perfectly fine why?" he said while taking dip of his vodka..

"Well your cheeks are red cause of drinking vodka..you should stop now"

"Y/n actually it's not cause of vodka.."


"I...i..-" he drinks the whole bottle in one sip..

"What are you doing! Don't drink too fast!"

He was just smiling.

"Now what's so special?"

"You y/n..you"

"Me? Why?" I said while blushing

"I really needed to drink to say this to you"


He grabbed your both hands then lean forward and gave you a gentle kiss ...

"I..i love you y/n"

"You love me?" I said felling like melting in snow

"Yes only you...in these days how much you have cared about me no one else did ever"

"I was just thankful nothing else.."

"I..i love you okay? Even if you don't I do and i forever want to hold your hands like this looking in your beautiful eyes"

"We can't be together.."

"Yes we can give me a chance i will prove it"

"What- are you doin-"

He stand up and grabbed your hand making you stand up  and started dancing..his legs shaking cause of the drink but still trying to dance with you..

"Please y/n please i want to spend my life with you please"

"Fine ..."


He takes you up by your waist taking you up in bridal style and started spinning around and that's how you spent the whole night..

274 words..


Guys am back please read and vote!

USSR X READER {I loved you.... and still do }Where stories live. Discover now