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"FUCKING PRICK!" Wooyoung jumped when he heard San's loud booming voice, he then heard loud banging footsteps storm down stairs and into the living room. It was already around midnight, Wooyoung was still feeling a little sick as he was sitting on the couch and reading a comic.

Woo gulped, Hoseok then entered the living room as he was holding a bowl of tomato soup, for Wooyoung. Since he was looking after him, cause he felt sick.

San looked at Hoseok and became even more angry.

Basically, after San fainted which was around two hours ago or something, Wooyoung took San to his bed (with the help from Hoseok of course) and laid him on the bed to rest.

But here's the thing, Wooyoung felt sick because of what he did. There's this odd feeling deep inside of him that he can't get out and figure out what it is.

Is it the feeling of guilt? Noooo, why am I guilty? This fucking ugly prick deserves it. He's a cheater after all...

Wooyoung gulped and slowly closed his comic.

"HE'S STILL HERE?" San then snapped, he smacked the tomato soup up into hoseok's face, smacking it from the bottom of the bowl as the tomato soup flew out of the bowl and all over Hoseok.

Hoseok's jaw dropped and he widened his eyes. So did Wooyoung.

"San? What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop!" Wooyoung hissed as he stood up.

San turned to him, and Wooyoung relaxed his body.

Is this guilt? Why the fuck am I thinking like this? I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING LIKE THIS. I'm supposed to be happy and proud not— not guilty and... upset?

San had red puffy eyes and the tears were all falling down at once.

Wooyoung looked San deeply in the eyes and something hit him.

Guilt, sadness and regret

San was in pain because of him. Woo saw it in his eyes, he could see the pain and the betrayal.

But he deserves this? Why am I thinking and feeling like this—

"Why Wooyoung?" San gulped "j-just why? I-I really thought I finally had you.."

San could barely speak because of how much he's crying. And in fact, he could barely breath. His heart was aching and he fell to his knees.

Wooyoung gulped, biting the inside of his bottom lip.

He flinched when San looked at him angrily and snapped.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT WOOYOUNG? I though I finally had you back in my arms, I-I secretly made plans for our future. I was so fucking happy, I really was and now it's all ruined. I should've known from the start, I'm so fucking stupid. I'm a fool. I'm such a fool for you, Wooyoung. I would stay with you, I would let you break my heart over and over cause I love you so much. My heart aches to much I can't take the pain. Just kill me Wooyoung, do what you want. Beat me to death, strangle me, stab me, anything to make you happy. After all, I'm just a cheater and that's all you ever wanted to do. BUT WHY HURT ME LIKE THIS?" San screamed as he sobbed hard.

Wooyoung didn't know what to do or say. He was frozen.

Wooyoung looked up when he heard Hoseok scoff.

"Over dramatic." Hoseok muttered. Wooyoung frowned.

"SHUT UP HOSEOK, HE IS NOT BEING OVER DRAMATIC. In fact, he's right. I'm a fucking prick, and I shouldn't of hurt him like this." Wooyoung spat.

I hate you - Woosan Where stories live. Discover now