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It was 7:30, Hoseok had just left. Wooyoung shut the door, taking a deep breath as he turned to walk but stopped. San stood there with a frown, he slowly walked towards Wooyoung.

"Do you like Hoseok?"


Woo gulped "of course I do. He's my friend. Why do you care so much, jeez."

Woo walked to the side, going to leave, but San pushed him into the door and put a hand next to his head, so he was trapped. He moved closer to Wooyoung's face.

"I mean, do you like him more then that?" San asked, his voice sent chills down Wooyoung's spine and it made him nervous, he didn't know why.

"Uhh— no? What's with the questions?" Woo asked, arching a brow, trying not to sound nervous, but it was impossible.

"Hmmm. Remember when you kissed me? Oh wait, you were drunk. You kissed me on the lips and asked me if I enjoyed that, you winked at me with a smirk before you walked away back with your friends. That night you begged me to sleep next to you, so I did, that's why you woke up with me laying next to you." San confessed.

Woo gulped.

Did I actually...

Woo frowned.

"Not like I meant it." Woo raised his voice a little.

"You also told me you liked me, that you missed me. You know what they say. Drunk words are sober thoughts. Is it true?" San was teasing now, as he kept his sly smirk plastered on his face.

Woo scoffed "that's not true, a-as if. You cheated—"

"Did I though?" San immediately dropped his smile "I didn't cheat Wooyoung, it was forced—"

"WHATEVER. You said you would love me and stay by my side NO MATTER WHAT. But you got 'forced' to cheat on me? To leave me heart broken and crying for weeks, no, MONTHS? It wasn't forced, you meant it."



Well that took a horrible turn...

San gulped violently, as his tears filled with tears. He backed away from Wooyoung.

"I want you to know I love you Wooyoung. And it hurts so much." San said before he turned and walked away. Wooyoung then heard him stomp upstairs and his door slam loudly, shaking the house.

Woo gulped.

Why am I such a fucking prick?

Wooyoung didn't know why he felt bad, and he wanted to kill himself because of it.


....will I?

San slammed his door, he leaned against it and slowly slid down it as he soon ended up sitting on the floor. He curled up into a ball and sobbed.

Why does it have to be like this... it hurts...

He wished to get out of here as soon as possible. Being around Wooyoung was making it harder, and it was breaking his heart.

After a while he stood up, wiping the salty tears off his face. He felt exhausted because of all the crying he done, he made his way to his bed, sitting on it. He grabbed his phone, quickly checked his notifications, before he decided to nap. He got under the covers, he went to plug his phone on charge when suddenly he got an incoming call.

I hate you - Woosan Where stories live. Discover now