turning purple 5

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PoV Tad/Theodor
"Did you have to do that on your first day?", I growled at the kid when left the school.

"The guy called for it. I didn't have a choice. Besides, it was funny.", Bill pouted.

"Putting a spider on a guy with arachnophobia is not funny, Bill.", I sighed.

"His reaction was hilarious. ", Bill claimed.

"He peed his pants.", I snapped.

"He deserved it."


"He said I sounded like mama's boy. I told him I didn't have a mama.", Bill explained.

I stopped walking.

"Then he said, he knew why. Because she abandoned me for being a freak.", My boy sniffed.

My gaze darkened.

Dear Axolotl, help me keep my cool.

I knelt down in front on the 9 year old.

He looked down in shame.

"I didn't know he was scared of spiders, I swear.", the boy mumbled.

"Because how would you? Billi, you are different then the other kids, but that does not make you a freak. I know it feels like you're all alone in the world right now, but I'm still here and I will always be. If anything, we can be freaky together, can't we?", I told him.

Saying that hurt me so so much, because it was what Bill had told me all these years ago, when kids in magic school would bully me.

Bill hugged me tightly and I picked him up and took him home.

PoV Mabel
I was a bit disappointed Theodor hadn't left me his number.

I was still thinking about the man when I went to bed.

That night I had a nightmare of Bill again. I hadn't had those in years!

When I woke up I went to the kitchen, where I found Soos.

He let me live here for free, since he felt like he owed this to me, after my gruncle Stans death.

"Did you have a nightmare too?", I sighed and poured myself some tea.

He nodded.

"It almost feels like he's back in town, dude.", he sighed.

I felt shivers go down my spine.

"You don't think he is, do you?", I asked, a bit scared.

Suddenly I got a message on my phone on my friend group.

Turned out the entire zodiac had the same nightmare.

The next day I met Theo again when he was taking the kid to school.

Bill was small for his age, had blond hair and blue eyes and he was joking around when I saw them.

When I waved at them, Bill looked at me and then Theo. Then he ran up to me.

"Hey there. Now, what's the rush?", I asked.

"I need to tell you something. Uncle Theo is gay. Byeee!", the kid said, then ran of into the school.

"I certainly am not gay.", Theo chuckled, catching up to us.

I took the kids to their classroom, then went on a walk with Theo.

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