[4] -I don't wanna be special, no no, I just wanna survive

Start from the beginning

What could they possibly have seen?

All you wanted was to survive high school, you didn't think being someone who was supposed to be special was gonna help with that.
Now people counted on you. Your entire life has completely changed, and you don't even deserve it. You did nothing that made you deserve this more than the other kids. 


Your eyes snap open to knocking on your door. Shit, you fell asleep.

"Um-" What were you supposed to say? "Hello?"

"L/N?" An unfamiliar voice questions.

"That would be me." You respond, standing up and stretching. 

"The Golden Guard was waiting for you."

What time is it? You open your scroll in front of you.



Your stomach was killing you, you had slept through dinner, and had no time for breakfast. Whatever, training was more important anyways. You went to look in your bathroom mirror. Would it be bad to show up in the same clothes as yesterday?

"Do you know where he is?" You ask, hoping whoever was outside the door hasn't left.

"He wants you to meet him at the training hall."

"And where would that be?" You open the door to see a coven scout standing in front of you.

"Down the stairs, past the cafeteria, down the other stairs and two lefts." He answers.

"Thank you." You say, trying to keep that in your brain. You decide to just walk out the door, since you didn't have any better clothes for training. 

Down the stairs.

Past the cafeteria. 

More stairs..

Two lefts. 

You speedwalk down the halls, not sure if running was allowed, but very sure that if you were to run you'd get hurt.

"L/N, what took you so long?"

"I um- had to find my way down here." You say, turning to face the Golden Guard.

"Well, you're going the wrong way."


"C'mon, we're running late." He leads you back down the hall and through a set of huge doors, into another hallway full of doors. "We'll use one of the gyms for today."

"If you don't mind me asking-"

"I do mind." He cuts you off, leaving a pit of dread in your stomach.

"Sorry." You mutter.

"Well, what were you going to ask?" He asks, leading you into a gym similar to the one you fought the coven scout in.

"What will we be working on?"

"We'll see." He answers. "Now, do you know why you've made it this far?" 


"Preferably, yes."


"Hm." He nods. "Well, you have no control over your own magic."

"Thanks." You deadpan.

"Which is a problem."

"Yeah, I'd say so."

"But.." He pauses, probably looking you up and down from under his mask.

"But..?" You say hopefully.

"You're powerful. Stronger than most witches I've seen."

"Oh." Your face went hot and you smiled. "Thank you."

"I can see why the coven chose you." He says. "But what I can't see.. is why you won."

"Yeah, me neither."

"Okay, fight me."


"Are you stupid? Fight me."

"I thought we just established that I have no control over my magic and shouldn't be here." 

"And I still need to evaluate you. If you ever do wanna belong here, you'd better not disrespect your superiors, darling." He says, holding up his staff, red magic radiating from it. 

"Yes, sir." You nod, your ears flushing with embarassment.

"Okay, L/N. Let's see what you can do."


Word count: 948

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