4. Again

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I huffed a sigh loudly, as I was now standing in front of SeokJin's home. After what I heard from Mom I can't stay there, can I?
Why I didn't think about it before? SeokJin, means me taking someone home and staying with him, that too in the same bedroom will create an unnecessary thought in my parents' minds. He is not my boyfriend or something, and he will never be...

I would have booked a hotel to stay, but I thought to come here,
Yeah... I know...I am being considerate.
But here, I am yet standing outside his house. I don't have keys and it seems no one is at home to open the door for me. I guess, this is a sign, that choosing his house to stay in, is not a good idea.
Taking a deep breath I decided to go to the office maybe to take keys from him.

I entered the office with a grumpy face, I didn't want to come here, but here I am.
I looked around, some doing their work, and some were gossiping. To go directly to my cabin, I had to pass all these people. They will notice and will come to me to talk, which I definitely don't want now.
I snorted and decided to go to SeokJin's cabin. Seokjin's cabin, which he barely uses, only to attend one-to-one meetings. For work, he sits with his team.
His persistence is kind of impressive and his unrelenting attitude makes me admire him, but the fact that I hate him never goes down.
Before I go, I try not to come in sight of anyone thinking maybe I should call him and ask for the keys outside of the office, but

As I told you earlier I am not lucky...

Hoseok spotted me...


"Jin.. Jin.."

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, "Hey"

"You are here" He gladly said.

"It seems like that.."

"I was scared, I thought Mr. Kim really fired you or what".

"He didn't..." I said in a low voice maybe in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I found out. I asked Mr. Kim, he said you are on leave for a few days"

I nodded.

"Sir, weren't you on leave? Mr. Kim told us" Ms Aida, came running towards me.

"Yes, I..."

"Aida, Aida" another person came running calling out her name, "Boss is looking for you"

"W..who, Mr. Kim, w..why?" She fumbled, maybe because I never called her before. Whenever I needed data regarding finance, it was always Seokjin.

"Ask him, he is right here" and Aida ran away.

"Aida", SeokJin looked at his watch, "did you share a daily financial report?"

"Umm..uu.. no sir"

"Why?, it's already noon, Aida" his voice was not angry, not irritated but calm though stern enough to make Ms. Aida visibly shivers.

"Sir, I...I w..was"

"Don't fumble Aida, you know I don't like it" He said boring his eyes on her.

"Sorry sir" She looked down, "I t....thought as Jin Sir was not present, I c...can share the data a little later"

"A little later?" He talked calmly but a little loudly this time, "It's already late, and even if Jin is not here, that doesn't mean you are allowed to send it later. Send me the data right away"

"Yes sir" She bowed 90 degrees before leaving.

SeokJin moved his eyes and stayed at me. His brows raised slightly, "Ohh, so you decided to show up. That's good. Let's go to your... I mean my cabin. I have something to talk about"

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