"Well" she said getting agitated. "You can't prove he even said it. What we do have proof of is this...wild girl hit my son, and I know that she has a...wrap sheet here"

"Excuse me?" Reiner said, trying to keep his voice calm.

"I know she's gotten into trouble here. Remember I'm vice president of the PTA, word gets around"

"It's a bit disturbing knowing the PTA are gossiping about the students" Bertholdt said firmly.

"Maybe Gabi doesn't belong here" Mrs. Tyler said.

Reiner was about to speak when the door busted opened.

"Gabi's telling the truth!!!"

Everyone turned to see Falco Grice. A good natured kid in Gabi's grade. His uniform was a bit disheveled from running.

"Mr. Smith I tried to stop him..." the secretary said following Falco in.

"It's fine Marie, Falco did you witness the event?" Erwin asked.

Falco nodded. "Sir Gabi isn't a bad person, she was standing up for Zofia. Andy's been bullying her for a few weeks now. And then...Andy said something really bad about Gabi's dads."

"Cousin" Reiner corrected.

"Anyways, he called the the f-word, and said awful things about Gabi and her being messed up, also joked about her parents"

Andy began to shrink in this seat.

Falco looked to Gabi and then back to the headmaster. "Sir I know she hasn't had the best year, but please don't kick her out, I know violence is wrong, but please go easy on her"

"Thank you for your witness account Mr. Grice, now I'm sure your 5th period teacher is wondering where you are at"

Falco gave Gabi one last sympathetic look and left the office.

"Well I think that went better than expected" Bertholdt said on the drive home.

"I still got a week's detention. With Mr. Ackerman of all people, ugh he's going to make me clean the entire school!!"

"Who's Mr. Ackerman?" Reiner asked from the driver's seat.

"That cute English teacher" Bertholdt said with a laugh. "The one you couldn't stop staring at during open house.

"Oh yeah him" Reiner said with a goofy smile on his face. "But" he reached over and grabbed Bertholdt's hand. "He's not a good looking as you"

"Ugh can y'all not while I'm in the car", Gabi groaned. "All this sweetness is going to give me diabetes."

"You'll appreciate romance one day Gabi." Reiner said with a laugh.

"So...how long am grounded for?"

"Eh two hours I guess" Reiner said.

"But I got into a fight at school..."

"Look I'll give ya a pass; a) for punching a homophobe and b) for standing up for your friend and for us." Reiner said smiling at the rear view menu.

"Who ever that Falco kid is, your lucky you stepped in" Bertholdt said.

As the bell rang Gabi took her time at her locker. She was dreaded detention. It was bad enough that it was a Monday, but now she was going to smell like Clorox all week.

After killing enough time to not get her in troubled, she made her way to Mr. Ackerman's classroom.

She could hear him talking to someone, and she assumed he was one the phone with his wife Hange.

Gabi walked into the spotless classroom.

"Ah so glad you decided to grace us with your presence Ms. Braun. Mr. Grice and I were worried you were going to be late"

Gabi looked to see Falco. They made eye contact and he gave her a small wave.

Gabi felt flutter in her stomach, but shook the incoming thoughts away.

"Right now, on to Mr. Lagnar's room, Falco you take that bucket and Gabi you take the other."

Soon the two were deep cleaning the white board. While Mr. Ackerman was sweeping in the back.

"Isn't it kinda weird he's cleaning too?" Falco whispered.

Gabi just looked at him.

"Sorry I should probably tell you my name. I'm Falco Grice."

"Gabi Braun"

"Yeah I know, we have four classes together"

Gabi felt a bit embarrassed that she didn't really know who he was. Falco was one of those who always did what he was told, got really good grades, every teacher loved him.

"So what did a goody two shoes like you do to get detention?"

"Skipping class..."

It took Gabi a minute to realize that he was talking about when he came to Mr. Smith's office.

"I'm sorry that you got in trouble for that."
Gabi said quietly.

"Well having detention with you isn't so bad"

Gabi felt that same fluttering again.

"So why did you stick your neck out like that for me?"

To be continued

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