After she was done, they walked out and began heading towards the garden.

"Are you guys going now?" Dong-woo asks and the girls turn to look at him and realized they were all sitting outside.

Na-ri caught Han-bin's gaze "Yeah, we are" Seul-ki replied.

"Have fun then" Yoong-Jae smiles at them waving "We will" Na-ri waved and they left.

"Hello" The girls say bowing and announcing their arrival.

"Hello, take a seat" He greeted them back and watched as Seul-ki sat next to him and Na-ri across from him.

"Thank you for choosing us" Seul-ki smiled towards him "It's my pleasure" Jin-young said.

Jin-young looked at them "Eat" He bluntly said causing Na-ri to chuckle.

"Thank you for this meal" They said digging in.

"So, let me guess..your the quiet type aren't you?" Na-ri looked at Jin-young "Am I right"

"Yeah" He held eye contact with her "I guess I'm quiet around those I don't know.." He admitted.

"I see, cute" Na-ri says catching him off-guard with what she said.

He tried hiding his smile by looking down and cutting up the pork cutlet making her smirk at his actions.

"She knows how to flutter a man's heart" Said Han-hae shocked at how confident she suddenly became.

"She acts different around him than Han-bin, is that a good or bad thing?" Jin-kyung questions looking at them for an answer.

"Good for Jin-young, bad for Han-bin" Hyunkyung makes everyone laugh with his answer.

"So..." Seul-ki began "What's are you looking for in a relationship?" She questioned starting a conversation.

"Someone I Instantly connect with...and maybe someone who likes the same things as me" He replied.

"So same interests?" Na-ri questions curious.

He looked up at her "Yeah" He nods still not breaking eye contact until Na-ri looked down smiling to herself.

"May I ask why you chose us to have lunch with you?" Seul-ki asks another question to which Jin-young finally looked away from Na-ri and looked at Seul-ki.

"You guys looked fun to be around.." He looked at Na-ri once again "And pretty"

Seul-ki smiles "I see"

"Jin-young looked at Na-ri when he said that!" Jin-kyung shouts "Do you know what this means?!"

"He's most likely likes her" Da-hee laughed at her friend "Yes!"

The three made their way back to the cafeteria after finishing their meal and were met with the others.

"Oh look they're back!" So-e says gaining everyone's attention "Hello" They said taking a seat.

"How was your guys meal?" Jong-woo asks mainly pointed to Seul-ki.

"It was good" Na-ri says and the two nod agreeing.

"So how do you find Inferno so far?" Yoong-Jae asks Jin-young "Yeah I like it" He replied looking around the cafeteria.

"So who went to paradise yesterday" He suddenly asks getting straight to the point making a few people chuckle including Na-ri.

"Dong-woo and Seul-ki, Yoong-Jae and So-eun, and Na-ri and Han-bin" Nadine explains pointing to each person.

"Ahh okay.." He nods looking at Han-bin then looking away.

"When do we vote?" Jin-young questions again.


( They're so cute I already have a bunch of ideas I'm gonna do so I'm excited he's finally been introduced. Do you like her better with Han-bin or Jin-young so far? I obviously like her better with Jin-young but I still love Han-bin! )

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