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Na-ri started fidgeting with the hem of her shirt while she left the tent and began to walk towards the said mail boxes.

"I think Na-ri will get at least two.." exclaimed Han-hae.

"Same here" Da-hee nods.

"I wonder who she wrote to though.." Han-hae says once again.

"Let's see if I got any.." says Na-ri as she begins to open the box to reveal two cards.

Na-ri let out a sigh of relief and began smiling.

Grabbing both of the cards and gently closing the box, she reads one out loud.

"Lets watch the sunset soon ت".

Na-ri let's out a soft chuckle and begins to read the next one.

"I want to get to know you more, let's talk soon."

She started smiling even wider "Ahh this is fun" she said and turnt around to go back to the tents.

"The sunset one is definitely Yoong-Jae" smiled Jin-kyung.

"Definitely, I think the other one is from Han-bin" Hyunkyung agreed.

Han-bin leaves the tents slowly making his way to where the mail boxes were.

"I hope I get one" he exclaimed beginning to get nervous as he got closer.

Fully opening the box, he notices a singular letter waiting for him to open it.

He grabs the letter and quickly shuts the box and begins reading the letter.

"I enjoyed your company today"

The letter said and a big smile spreads across his face, he only interacted with two people and one is whom he likes.

"It must've been Na-ri then!" Hyunkyung smiled.

"I'm sure it was Na-ri" Han-hae says to them.

"But I wanted her to vote for Yoong-Jae.." Jin-kyung says with a pout as the room fills with laughter.

Kim Na-ri interview:
"I voted for Han-bin shi. Although I was torn between him and Yoong-Jae, I went for him because I felt more comfortable around him and he is also closer to my ideal type. I want to also get to know him better and am curious about him. Im also glad I got two letters." Na-ri smiled towards the camera.

Na-ri walked into the tents with a poker face just as the others did and went straight towards her bed.

"How was it?" Se-jeong asks.

"It was good, warmer than I expected" she smiled towards her and Se-jeong returns it.

"DING" "It is now over, have a goodnight and get some rest."

Everyone clapped and began getting ready for bed before the lights went out.

"First day already over, can't believe it" Na-ri says to herself and she begins getting comfortable in bed and falling asleep not long after.

( Another chapter will be coming out later tonight I js thought I would make one now bc I was bored. Day 1 is over and now only 2 more days until Jin-young is introduced, are you excited? )

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