"He better keep his promise, I want them to go to paradise again" Jin-kyung says.

"This date is the best one out of all of them in my opinion" Da-hee comments making Han-hae nod.

"Yeah definitely"

"Yeah definitely"•••

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Her outfit ⇧

"They're here!" Se-jeong shouted to the others as she watched the couples descend the stairs.

Nadine runs up to Na-ri and hugs her "Prepare to answer a lot of questions" The girls laugh.

Han-bin drops Na-ri's bag by the girls tent "Talk to you later" He smiled "Okay" Na-ri waved.

"So how was paradise" Nadine asks Na-ri as the others lean in to listen.

"It was good" She smiled "I enjoyed my time there and the food was good" She adds making So-eun nod "Definitely"

After talking about paradise for a while Na-ri turned to look at Nadine "So what did you guys do in Inferno?"

"We just played games and ate while watching the sunset" Nadine says.

"It was fun" Se-jeong adds.

"We also got to know a little bit more about each other so yeah" So-e smiled.

Boys tent:

"Did you have fun Han-bin?" Jong-woo asks his friend he smiled.

"Yeah I had fun, I got to learn a lot about her" He replies as the others nod.

"What did you guys do?" Dong-woo questions curious to know.

"We ordered a bunch of food and watched the sunset then we stayed up late talking and eating desserts" He answers.

"Sounds like fun" Yoong-Jae says and the rest nod in agreement.

"DING" "Oh no.." Dong-woo sighed "Today we will be matching again. But the couples who chose each other yesterday, cannot choose each other again. But while we wait we will be playing a game for a special meal. Participants please be at the beach in ten minutes."

"A game already?" Jong-woo says "Let's get ready then" Yoong-Jae says to them getting up.

Time skip to the beach

"There they are" Dong-woo points to the girls as they walk towards them.

"Hey guys" So-eun greets them.

"DING" "Today the men will play the game, a game of tug of war" The lady explains the rules and who will face who.

Yoong-Jae and Dong-woo were the first to Face each other and begin to get in position.

"Ready and...start."

They begin pulling each other both not moving at all "This is brutal" Nadine says to Na-ri "It's gonna hurt their pride if they lose"

After awhile to Yoong-Jae's disappointment, Dong-woo had won and it was time for the next round. Han-bin vs Jong-woo.

"Ready and...start"

Jong-woo was quick to react a dragged Han-bin a little cause him to lose a little balance but he soon regained it and began pulling at Jong-woo.

Even though Han-bin tried really hard, Jong-woo had won which disappointed him.

"It's alright you tried your best" Na-ri came up to him smiling trying to make him feel ok "Yeah I guess so" He smiled back.

"Jong-woo and Dong-woo have made it to the final match. The final match will be a three way match." The lady announced.

"What" Everyone says confused.

"Why? Is there another person coming?" Da-hee looks at the staff shocked.

"No way" Hyunkyung laughed.

"There is another person!" Jin-kyung shouts catching their attention.

"What? Is there another person?" Seul-ki asks shocked.

"There's someone coming!" Se-jeong says to everyone.

Na-ri lifts up her head to see someone walking down the stairs and he automatically caught her attention.

( Jin-young is finally here! Next chapter will be out later so wait until then, than you~ )

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