[007]~ 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒢𝒶𝓂𝑒

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Odessa had a rough sleep that night. It's not that the Gryffindor beds were uncomfortable, but the dorm was so cold. Well, it was a normal room temperature. But for someone who had been sleeping next to the warm kitchens for the past couple of weeks, Odessa felt like she was sleeping on a block of ice. Regardless, she was awoken bright and early the next morning by Marlene.

"Rise and shine buttercup." She giggled, ripping off the girls' blanket.

Odessa curled into a ball in an attempt to preserve heat. "Mmm, no. Can't I just sleep for a bit longer?"

"Sorry, no can do deary, we've gotta dress up!" She pulled the tired Hufflepuff out of bed.

"But the game's not till after classes?" Odessa questioned.

"Yep. We've gotta get an outfit for on the pitch which we can wear now and at the game, then come back and get on our day outfits, then change once again for the afterparty." The excited girl set up a few different outfits on the beds. "Here, try this one." She threw an outfit at Odessa and ushered her to the tiny bathroom to change while grabbing an outfit for herself.

Odessa came out only a few minutes later, in a mustard yellow sweater and a brown skirt. She quickly wrapped around the Gryffindor scarf James gave her the night before and looked in the mirror. She noticed some bags under her eyes, likely due to her troubles sleeping that night, so she applied a bit of concealer before grabbing her trainers and heading out.

Marlene gave her a once over and squealed in excitement. "Oh you look amazing! I'm so excited to be right beside you as you experience your first quidditch game." She grabbed the girl's hand and rushed down to the common room to wait for the boys. They didn't have to wait for long because soon after, Remus came out dragging a still half-asleep Sirius. They were followed by an unusually energetic James Potter barrelling down the stairs, jumping past them as they neared the bottom.

"Morning Sunshine. Are you excited for your first quidditch game?" He ran straight to the girl with the excitement of a child on Christmas Day.

"Yes. I believe so. Although I am not playing, just watching." She smiled tentatively.

James realized, in the chaos of his excitement, he had grabbed Odessa. And she was still forcefully stuck in his grasp. He gently released her and sighed of relief as he saw her body relax. "That's alright. It's still the very first one you get to see, and it'll be my duty to make it worthwhile." He grinned.

"Our duty, to be honest." Sirius cut in. "This has to be special, if we lose this I don't know if we can ever play quidditch again." He laughed, though James shot him a glare.

"Alright, well if everyone is ready we really should head down to the pitch. We may be great but we can always be greater. One more practice could really do us good." James announced to the room, which now consisted of the rest of the team, as well as two other Gryffindor students that Odessa assumed were also selected as charms.


The practice wasn't really all that entertaining to Odessa. It was certainly interesting to actually see, but it was straining her neck to watch them all the way from the ground. Marlene offered that they could go up to the stand to watch from a better angle but Odessa argued the morning wind would be a bit too brutal to just stand around in.

Eventually, practice had finished and they all headed to the dining hall for a late breakfast.

"That wasn't too bad, but Sirius I swear to god if you fly backwards during the game-" James began as they sat down at the Gryffindor table.

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now