"Ok see you downstairs" she says to me before I walk out the room

I go to Harry and Ron's room and knock on the door but there's no answer, I twist the handle and walk into the dark room.

I go to the curtains and open them so some daylight shines in, before going to Harry's bed first as it's closer.

"Harry" I whisper


"Harry, you need to get up"

Again nothing

I'm sorry but how deep of a sleep is this boy in?

"Harry James potter it's time to get up" I say standing at his side

Finally he gets up, he grabs his glasses and put them on his face before looking at me


"Morning" he says groggy

"How did you sleep?"

"Really good, much better then at the dursleys"

"That's good now breakfast is going to be in 10 so I would probably get up" I say walking to Ron

"RON WEASLEY GET UP" I shout at him

"I'm up, I'm up" he says jumping out of bed

"Good you have 10 minutes so get changed" I say before walking out of the room

"Bloody women" he says to Harry thinking I can't hear him

"I heard that" I shout before shutting the door.

Third Person POV

Allison walks down the stairs and into the kitchen to see most order members surrounding someone.

As she walks closer she can see who it is, her dear brother. "Jake" she says while parting through everyone

Jake immediately hugs the girl and let's a tart roll down his cheek "what's wrong?" She asks her brother

"I don't want to die, he's going to kill me, I didn't mean to do it.." he rambles on while in the girls arm

She pulls apart to look at her brother, she wipes away his tears before starting "what happened?"

"I told him I don't want to do it anymore, they didn't want to hear that" he starts

"Who didn't want to hear that?" She asks

"Mother and father"

"Jake what did you do" she says warning him

"I don't know what happened, one minute they were there next minute they were on the floor. I didn't mean to kill them, I don't know how I did it, there was blood lots of it" he says

"Jake, tell me the full story in the living room. Go there I will be there in a minute" she tells her brother

He walk out of the room and the order turns to her "who was that" Sirius starts

"My brother, who is also Evelyn and Benjamins brother"

"How did he know where we were?" Mad eye says questioning the girl

"I don't know, maybe Minnie told him or he illegally apperated to me, I don't know. But what I do know is that my brother has possibly just killed our parents and I need to know what happens. So if you don't mind I will be in the living room" she says walking out of the room and into the living room

"Jake tell me everything that happened" she says sitting on the sofa

"They were talking about my task, and I told them how I didn't want to do it. Them children shouldn't have been killed they were so young. We shouldn't be doing this to them, we aren't even of age, we were forced into this without any of us wanting to do it. Then they told me how I'm a coward, a disgrace to our family name and everything like that" he pauses before continuing

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now